I currently use docker-compose to manage a number of containers, and I’ve been using traefik as a reverse proxy and to interface with letsencrypt for management of SSH keys.

However, I’ve also been reading a bit about caddy, which seems like an easier alternative to traefik, in the sense of its handling wildcard certificates. All my containers have a public facing url, like this:





which I would have thought would be tailor-made for caddy. However, in my rough searches I haven’t found out quite how to set up caddy to do this. I’ve also read (can’t remember where) that this use of caddy is ok for homelab, but shouldn’t be used for public facing sites.

So I just need a bit of advice - should I indeed switch to caddy, and if so, how? (All I need is a few pointers to good examples.)

Or should I stay with traefik, in which case, what is the easiest setup?

(I got some help with traefik a few years ago, but I’m having a lot of trouble now extending my current config files to manage a new container.)

I’m also very far from being a sysadmin expert, I usually flail around until something works.


  • giopas@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Here is an example of a working Caddyfile to start from.

    In the first example (jelly.user.com), every query to http://jelly.user.com is automatically translated in https and handled over to

    In the second instance, you do not use https (TLS) and every query to http://well.user.com is directly passed along to the service running under

    Note that certificates are automatically handled and renewed by Caddy, giving your email address.

    I also added a log for each subdomain for convenience.

    I hope this is helpful.

    ~:/etc/caddy $ cat Caddyfile { log { output file /home/userCaddy-logs/caddy2.log } email user@user.com }

    jelly.user.com { log { output file /home/user/Caddy-logs/jelly.log } encode gzip header Strict-Transport-Security max-age1536000; reverse_proxy }

    http://well.user.com { log { output file /home/user/Caddy-logs/well.log } encode gzip header Strict-Transport-Security max-age1536000; reverse_proxy }

  • kevdogger@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What’s not working with traefik? I like the traefik dashboard since it kind of helps troubleshoot things. I’ll admit traefik isn’t the easiest reverse proxy to work on at first but it clicks after a period of time. You can do wildcard certs with traefik as well

    • amca01@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      I have several issues with traefik: first is that I can’t access the dashboard. The second is that as I was given a LOT of help setting it all up (some years ago), I’ve ended up with config files that I don’t fully understand myself. When I tried, for example, to use traefik for certificates to protect my installation of mealie, I simply couldn’t. So my mealie instance is unprotected, running just with http.

      I’m getting to the stage where I’m thinking about paying for some professional sysadmin time … As I said in my OP, I’m nowhere near competent as a sysadmin, especially with networking, and if I can get something to work, I’m thrilled and never want to touch it again, in case I break it.

  • AlternativeBasis@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s not for lack of trying, but I’ve never really been able to successfully set up redirects in Traefik or Caddy

    Even asking ChatGPT for help.

    I ended up having success using Nginx Proxy Manager, which has a beautiful interactive UI. Despite running from a DockerCompose /Portainer

    Now… if only I could distill the entire configuration into a backup file…