Hi everyone,

I’d like to seek some advice on a proposed change of my home server setup that I’m considering.

Current setup:

  • Raspberry Pi 4 (Raspbian): with openHAB, Node-RED, Mosquitto, Grafana, InfluxDB, UniFi controller
  • Raspberry Pi 2 (Raspbian): with piHole, unbound, WireGuard
  • DS212 (DSM) as a NAS


  1. High power consumption due to running three systems.
  2. Limited backups (currently only backing up configuration files).
  3. Occasional SD card corruptions (fortunately, backups have saved the day).
  4. The DS212 Web UI seems to get slower with each DSM update.

Proposed Solution: I’ve been considering consolidating everything onto one machine using a modern proxmox+Docker setup instead of running everything bare metal. Here’s my idea after some research:

  • Get an ASRock N100-based mainboard with 32GB RAM, a 500GB NVME drive, and 2 SATA ports (for the two 2TB SATA drives from my Synology).
  • Use the NVME for Proxmox and create two VMs:
  1. VM for all the smart home/networking applications (migrated from the RPi4+RPi2), isolated into Docker containers.
  2. VM for NAS functionality (any suggestions for a NAS OS?), using the two SATA drives in a RAID 1 configuration.

Questions: I would greatly appreciate your advice on the following:

  • Does my proposed hardware configuration seem suitable for my needs? Anything better than the N100? Do I need 32GB?
  • What NAS OS would you recommend for the second VM (TrueNAS, OMV, anything else)?
  • Are there potential drawbacks or challenges I should be aware of with this new setup? I have the feeling I am over complicating things.
  • Any other thoughts or suggestions?

  • subven1@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Two Pi and a 1,6Ghz single core ARM NAS…

    This is around 20 watts idle and ~30 watts under load…nowhere near “high consumption”. The N100 is just around 15 watts idle and more capable systems like a Ryzen 5 7600x idle at 25 watts. So lets say you swap everything to a N100 single system. This will maybe save you around 5 watts while idle which means ~40kw/h savings per year.

    You do not have the computing power to run VM’s/applications that could utilize 32GB RAM. Everything you mentioned could be run on a machine just at 4GB RAM. The only reason could be the use of ZFS and a lot of disks and TB’s of space. You should be fine aiming at 16GB RAM.

    In terms of OS. I use Unraid because its very easy to use and does not require you to have HDDs spun up like with traditional RAID. Saves me a lot of energy and wear on my drives. It is also capable of running Docker containers and various VMs.

    • crnv@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Thanks for the input. I initially came across lower power consumption estimates for the N100, approximately 5-7W, but I now re-checked and indeed some people report idling at around 13-15W. I guess a lot depends on the peripherals and the quality of the PSU. But such a slight improvement wouldn’t be worth the hassle