I feel that many leftists are extremely idealist and get swayed by Western opinion a lot. They dont support Hamas because they are not the perfect MLs freedom fighters. I think this is childish and just gives ammunition to the liberals to discredit Hamas stance. Their criticism of Hamas goes against the global decolonization cause.

  • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Yep. Zelensky and NATO definitely are not ML, but a lot of western “leftists” adore him and NATO. They are either lying to themselves about what they believe or to us (I personally think it’s the latter). Regardless they are lying.

  • lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Media pressure is insane around Hamas. When you know that everyone was spoon fed narratives about them being sadistic barbarians who just want to kill all Jews it becomes very difficult to publicly support them. In some countries you could even risk have trouble with the police for “terrorism apologia” (at least that’s a thing in France). So basically you only hear the people who agree with the media while the rest is shutting up because they know how much trouble they are getting into

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Because most western “leftists” are socdem coloured liberals.

    They misunderstand or ignore key concepts like critical support, primary and secondary contradictions, materialism, and dialectics. Therefore it’s no wonder that, even after a run of potentially good takes, they ultimately end up on the side of reaction.

    For the actual MLs, some are outspoken but others are careful. I can only speak for myself in saying that I am genuinely concerned for my immigration status if I were to publicly speak out in favour of even the Palestinian cause in general, let alone Hamas and other decolonial forces.

  • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    How dare you not begin and end your question with “I condemn Hamas but…!”

    Honestly though, that’s the kind of framing that leads people to that. Very intentionally by the media there is an immense amount of pressure on anyone speaking against Israel to first preface their statements with “I condemn Hamas but…”. Like somehow there is any equivalency there at all.

    You definitely get certain voices that are very outspoken and refuse to fall into that trap, but it seems like a minority. What is more interesting to me is how much that media narrative is at odds with the general popular opinion we see worldwide.

  • twinnie@feddit.uk
    10 months ago

    If the Iranian government supports you then that’s a pretty clear sign you’re a piece of shit. How can you say that they’re a champion of the cause when they have held elections for like 15 years? And why would any respectable international organisation support a group that goes door to door executing civilians and children?

  • Aria@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    In a lot of the free-speech-west, opposite-of-totalitarian-west, supporting Hamas is illegal. So sometimes people are lying to protect themselves. Just to be charitable to a group that does exist, don’t know how large.

    But the main reason is just that they don’t genuinely understand the condition in Palestine. They don’t understand that Gaza is a concentration camp, that the houses Israel is bombing belongs to people and isn’t just capital.

    Find me an Auschwitz survivor who wept for Hitler when he committed suicide, and I’ll find you a Gaza resident who wept for the soldiers killed on Oct 7. But the talking heads would not dare ask that of the Auschwitz survivors, because they have understood the conditions at Auschwitz.

  • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    10 months ago

    I’m not pro-Israel, but the very existence of Israel is just more lmayo colonialism. Israel only exists because mayos hated a slightly different type of mayo so much that they genocided them and exiled them outside of their peninsula

    the answer is not that Palestine or Israel should give up land, the answer is that the west should give up land to form a holy land for Jews, probably somewhere in Illinois or something, because they already own like 50% the land on the planet despite making up only 13% of the world’s population

    • “Israel” exists as an extension of imperialism (currently for the US). Some pro-Zionists may have been motivated by wanting Jews out of Europe, but that wasn’t the main reason. Also, if a Jewish state were to be established after the dissolution of “Israel” (worth considering that no other large religion has its own state), it shouldn’t be on another piece of stolen land

      • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        10 months ago

        it shouldn’t be on another piece of stolen land

        yes it should
        steal the land from the richest white people and give it to everyone else, while also creating reforestation/irrigation projects that result in more land than even the original Native Americans had

        The Rocky Mountains will be our Siberia, and our laogai laborers will irrigate it

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        There’s also the elements of millenarianism; millions of Christian Zionists support Israel because they believe it will immanentize the eschaton and bring about the return of Jesus, after which all Jews will either convert to Christianity or be sent to the lake of fire. If a Jewish state were established somewhere else they’d lose a huge chunk of support.

  • comhelio@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    After having a discussion with Vijay Prashad I got to know from him that 2 state solution is not possible at all because only 18 percent of current West Bank remains of Palestinian villages rest were annexed by Israeli settlers. 1 state solution is possible only if jews,Muslims, Christians live under the same shed and get equal opportunity without apartheid, which is not possible in the current zionist society. The normalization achieved by saudis, arab states have made them like puppets. Only a military solution to help Hamas will solve the problem but for that Jordan and Egyptian army has to go into Gaza. That means they have to tear up their peace accords which also seems unlikely to happen.

    In broader picture supporting Hamas or not… Until the arab states go into war without fearing out the nukes and such will only stop this genocide or a big riot in US. Even China has condemned the Hamas attacks because China and Russia both have negativity towards Muslim Brotherhood. But it doesn’t matter what you support whether it’s al fateh, PLFP Or etc. The problem lies in the inaction of arab states, tricky peace deals and fear of nukes and EU + US support of the genocidal regime.

  • cucumovirus@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Because many of them don’t actually support Palestinian liberation, and are, as you suggest, still holding on to their liberalism even if they claim not to. Their support manifests only in an empty verbal declaration without any actual understanding.

    Take a look at this article which illustrates and analyzes the problem well. An excerpt:

    Some people understand being in favour of something as a kind of thought act: it happens in one fell swoop in the realm of intentions, and it can be verified by a simple declaration of support. It is enough for me to declare I’m in favour of, for example, abolishing the patriarchy, or capitalism, for these people to believe me. But what if I’m in favour of a general objective and at the same time opposed to every specific step needed to achieve it? Let us start by imagining how this contradiction might play out in the context of a simpler problem than patriarchy or capitalism: water is leaking through a hole in my roof. I am in favor of the overall goal of stopping the leak, but I insist on some strange rules. For instance, I decide that only supernatural beings can handle the problem. Or I forbid anyone from walking on the roof while fixing the leak. Or people may walk on my roof, but I demand that they refrain from using ladders or any other tool to get up there. Or they may use a ladder, but only after climbing onto the roof, never before. So long as I am imposing such conditions, what does it matter that I profess my desire to solve the problem? No matter how much I see myself as enemy number one of the leak, in practice I am actually in favour of keeping it around. Therefore, just saying that I’m in favour of a given objective is not enough. My declarations carry weight only when I support them with a thorough understanding of the steps needed to reach that objective and when I allow these steps to be executed in the necessary order.

  • GBU_28@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Hamas is a terrorist organization, and Israel is a genocidal ethnostate.

    Two things can be true.

    • su25@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      what has hamas done that israel hasn’t done but in larger quantities? by most definitions, most western governments including israel can be counted as terrorist organizations. israel, the us, etc. have frequently committed unlawful (numerous violations of international law) acts of violence towards civilians for political/economic motivations. but this label is only applied to a national liberation movement. do you ever wonder why this is?

      • GBU_28@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        I was quite clear on what both sides are. Didn’t dance around anything.

        If you think not being a formal state, and firing rockets into a civilian area doesn’t make you a terrorist group, then you are insane.

        If you think systematically running an open air prison, and using massively greater military power to suppress and murder a vastly weaker, ethnically distinct “enemy” doesn’t make you a genocidal ethnostate, then you are insane.

        • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
          10 months ago

          “Terrorist” is nothing more than the 21st century cracker’s version of “savage”. You just don’t like that your hegemon is getting violently defended against.

  • Juche_gang@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Because ‘leftist’ is just a word that liberals use to try to conflate themselves with anti capitalism to appropriate popularity, actual leftists will simply call themselves socialist.

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Western opinion is lead by US opinion and the US was and is a settler-colonial project. So, their opinions basically align with Israel’s labor party.