currently getting over the lingering after-effects of a sinus infection, which was not an enjoyable way to spend last week

    10 months ago

    Found out I didn’t get COVID from the boss last week… But sore from too not enough gym I think.

    But kind of annoyed… Need to work out how to tell my housemate that if his girlfriend is Staying with us half the week, Has the door code and is here at times he’s not, its it’s fair for her to start paying some bills…

    Especially considering he’s seemingly complaining about my new housemate needing to buy paper towels and such or “its not fair” (despite the fact we have solar, and he leaves his computer and fan and such on all night, even if he’s not even there). Also, when the other housemate accidentally broke his blender, he’s demanding payment, but when his dog chewed up and damaged my stuff, he just hid the damage…

    He also once gave me a spiel that he was sick of people getting help from other people, and “some people were just here because they need somewhere to stay”. So doesn’t even feel like I should be giving him any length of string…