Have you ever wanted to write a blog:

  • contained in a unique org file,
  • rendered with only one Emacs command,
  • that can be modified by writing Emacs Lisp code (and CSS too),
  • with “html templates” that are plain Emacs Lisp data,
  • with no config file,
  • and no dependencies on external static site generators?

If so, you might be interested in one.el a simple Static Site Generator for Emacs Lisp programmers and org-mode users.

👉 https://github.com/tonyaldon/one.el

👉 https://one.tonyaldon.com

👉 https://emacsconf.org/2023/talks/one/

  • github-alphapapa@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’ve no objection to writing another static site generator for Emacs/Org. But the name “One” is so overused. Seems like every company has “Foo ONE” and “Bar ONE”. Up til now, Emacs hadn’t fallen into that trap… ;)

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your work.