Hi! I have some newb-ish questions, and I was hoping some Fedora veterans could help me out.

I have been using the KDE spin of Fedora since 38, and I love it. I distro-hopped for years, but I have not had any interest since landing on Fedora. I have been using the KDE spin because I love KDE. I love how lightweight yet feature-rich and customizable it is. It can really be anything I need it to be, and it’s amazing.

With that said, there are two recent happenings that have made me question whether I should switch to the original Gnome version:

  1. I’ve been having some minor issues lately with F39, like audio not working after I reboot, so I have to kill pulseaudio every time. Nothing big, but minor issues. I’ve heard that the Gnome version performs better and is more stable/has less bugs, but idk if that’s just netizen fabrication or if there’s any truth to it?

  2. I have an Nvidia GPU. Wayland support is pretty bad for me, and I’ve been relying on X11 all this time. Recently, it was confirmed that Fedora will be dropping X11 support altogether in F40. I’m wondering if anyone out there has used both KDE and Gnome with an Nvidia GPU that can tell me if there’s any difference in Wayland performance?

I kinda don’t want to switch to Gnome, because I love KDE, but if it will make my experience better, then I think it’s probably worth a shot.