• catbum@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Unfortunately there are young fucks (relatively) who do the same damn thing. In re: Kristi Noem, SD gov (if anyone hasn’t heard of her, she’s a potential running mate for Trump, and hasn’t paid an ounce of attention to her state since she was sworn in, in 2019). She flipped out when SD passed their recreational measure in 2020 and had the state supreme court overrule it with an incredibly flimsy argument essentially saying the measure wasn’t valid in the ballot as written (the state’s fault really, or was that “oversight” some kind of conspiracy?). Went against the majority, in a state where 2/3 of voters are Republican, forfeited millions in easy tax revenue, all to reject the will of the people simply because she doesn’t like it.

    Party of small government and freedom, eh? Her words are like her lips: bloated and fake, fully ingenuine.