Stumbled on this program called Anytype a while ago, a note-taking application similar to Notion. It’s surprisingly well polished and works for me.

They have a lot of aspects which seem like they’d appeal to more privacy-conscious people. Plus decentralization should appeal to Lemmings of course. But as far as I’m aware I’ve never heard anyone talk about this program. I was wondering if this is just due to obscurity, or if there are reasons it’s not often recommended.

  • Butt
    10 months ago

    I want to like logseq but I’ve been using it for a few days and I just don’t get it.

    I get dumping all your shit in the journals and linking it all; I like that and it’s all well and good. But then what? I have to search for shit every time I want to find something? Gross. If I want to look at all my recipes or whatever I have to build a query? No thank you.

    It’s the data retrieval piece I’m hung up on, and weirdly no one ever talks about that. Everyone only ever talks about inputting data.