• Lauchs@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Trump proclaiming he will be a Dictator is not the winning message he thinks it is.

    No, it isn’t. But what does help him is if the media fixates on that instead of things that will convince independents and swing voters.

    The Foundling Father’s actually documented what should occur if someone declares themselves a King.

    I think if the American voting public actually cared about the founding fathers, Democracy and the risk of authoritarianism, they would have rejected him hard in 2016, much more resoundingly in 2020 rather than the nailbiter it was.

    I wish that people were as enlightened or thoughtful as you posit but I don’t think that’s the case.

    Making the case to the highly educated, focused on politics crowd isn’t a great tactic. Trump is setting us up to fight a fight that he can win and goddamn, we’re going to take the bait aren’t we?