• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    9 months ago


    Just look at the further decimated ruins of our public education system after diverting funds to charter schools.

    Privatization of the commons is just another capitalist con-game to grow/metastasize/profit off of aspects of society where any rational, empathetic person would immediately understand greed has no place.

    But acknowledging greed as the destructive force it is is the height of Un-American at this point, so whatever. There doesn’t seem to be anything more than a tiny smattering of powerless peasants that even acknowledge let alone care what giving sociopathic, insatiable greed the keys has and continues to do to the citizenry. Even those most hurt tend to side with the faceless, amoral corporate entities that hurt them and blame whoever their preferred mass propaganda tells them to blame.

    Oh lost your job/savings/future? Man, I’ll bet you’re really mad at that camp of powerless homeless people over there, or the concept of government (even though the corporations intentionally, loudly broke ours and bribe officials to keep it broken), it’s really their fault if you do enough mental gymnastics, herp derp!