• orrk@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    So, you have an issue with time, ok there is this concept of “before” and the concept of “after”, now before Hamas even existed, Israel was literally straight up occupying Gaza, afterward Israel only blockaded them.

    And yes, it is their land, the same way that India isn’t British land, Ukraine isn’t Russian, Brazil isn’t Portuguese, etc., etc., etc…

    Now no one said that Hamas was the “good guys”, but the assertion that Israel is, is comical, at best Also, the Genocide thing is a bit far stretched, and requires an interpretation that would make Israel just as, if not more, genocidal.

    And yes, if the only way you have ever been able to gain anything was through violence, why wouldn’t you choose violence? because it hurts your feefees that a white person had to die? meanwhile, the not-violent west bank gets to watch as soldiers who bravely kill children are awarded with medals.

    so much for “knowing the history of the region”

    • blahsay@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Lol you gave me a good laugh with this and I lost it when you said ‘the genocide thing is a bit stretched’.

      I think most Iranian officials start their morning by saying ‘What a nice day to kill all Jews!’

      Hamas was even crazy enough to put ‘kill the Jews’ in their original manifesto.

      The difference here is that as hard as you Hamas ball fondlers try to spin it otherwise, if Hamas surrenders and let’s the hostages go, Israel will in turn end the war and the killing stopped. The other choice is that Israel stops fighting in which case the Palestinians and pals will do exactly what they’ve said they want to do - commit genocide.

      • orrk@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        ok, you have officially gone into the territory of “my enemy is literally worse than Satan”.

        also, so what? The AFU put kill the Boer in their manifesto.

        And lastly, you show how fucking little you actually know about any of this, or how little you care, because the one thing that sentence was right on is committing genocide, because to the Netanyahu government it was never about the hostages, and they have already declared that this war will continue until they are sure that every last member of Hamas is dead. Now, how do you do that to an insurgency without genocide is anybody’s guess.

        • blahsay@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          So what is your answer to clear, stated intent of genocide?

          Dude take a moment and think what you’re supporting. 😞

          • orrk@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            The answer? not doing genocide.

            Now I have, seemingly unlike you, actually considered the stances I take.

            Because for you to have considered this stance, you must have come to the conclusion that all the out group are the same and thus deserving of death for the crime of being similar to someone who did something bad.

            So please, tell me how the 16 year old child in Gaza is guilty and should be put to the sword, for the crime of existing in a nation controlled by Hamas. Before you bring the “human shields” sob story, the IDF very much has the ability to not indiscriminately kill, but the very real figures as to the makeup of the casualties is an almost perfect statistical representation of the civilian population, meaning that any Hamas actually killed is incidental as an overlap of the population.

            • blahsay@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              I love that you speak with such certainty, from such ignorance.

              There is one irrefutable rule of combat that is that the aggressor sets the rules.

              In this case Hamas is the aggressor and is choosing to fight in heavily populated urban areas. They know this will cause maximum casualties to the Palestinians…they’re counting on it.

              Your belief that the IDF can magically stop civilian casualties is inexplicable. Hamas could though - push the battle into the hills etc. It’s just as effective militarily but they really just want Palestinians dead for propaganda - influencing rubes is their aim.

              I know you’re a propagandist and I can’t convince you but it’s important others realise that you are not just wrong but willfully so.

              If you really cared even slightly for the Palestinians you’d be calling for the end of this war through the surrender of Hamas and the release of the hostages. You won’t and don’t.