• gmtom@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    This is actually the stupidest fucking argument you could possibly make on this subject.

    Show me when an Indian country existed before British rule, or a South African country. Does that mean India had no right to freedom? No of course not. So why does their not being a specific country of Palestine before now invalidate the Palestinians right to freedom.

    is trying to change history and paint it as if jews came on ships to this country like conquistadors. After WW2, the UN decided that, maybe, after trying to exterminate the jewish people, it would make sense to give them some small pice of land to officially call their own.

    I actually laughed out loud at this. This would be great comedic timing in a political satire. Accusing me of trying to change history then in the next fucking line you do it yourself. Israel wasn’t some magnanimous compensation for the holocaust. Jews were still looked down on by most people in the west so this was the Jews chance to escape but for the governemnts in the west it was a solution to the Jewish “problem”, literally just an excuse to get rid of the Jews. So they set up a colony in Palestine, since they didn’t give a shit about what the Arabs wanted either. There is no “well akshually it’s not a colony because a tiny minority of Jews already lived their” it’s a colony by every definition.

    And I really can’t be arsed to go through your whole “the Arabs were actually in the wrong for not accepting having their land unilaterally stolen from them” bullshit and you outright hand-waving of Israeli occupation and settlements. Just pretty clear you don’t actually give a shit about any sort of morals or reasoning. You’re either here because peoples lives are fun little arguments for you, or you made up your mind a while ago and no amount of information to the contrary will ever change your mind so you just causally dismiss it in order to stick to your opinions.

    So with that said I’m just going to block you because you’re either a bored troll or an actual morally bankrupt piece of shit, and I don’t want to deal with either one.