A majority of Americans and a majority of Congress want to help Ukraine win the war against Russia, and to stop the spread of autocracy into Europe. A majority of people in the European Union and a majority of EU leaders want the same. But small minorities of lawmakers—some inspired by Russian President Vladimir Putin or his money, some bent on bargaining for other things—have managed to block or delay that aid.

On both sides of the Atlantic, the crunch has arrived. The far-right faction that now controls the Republican Party captured the House last year and has successfully blocked a new spending bill for many months.The prime minister of Hungary, himself a de facto autocrat, is also blocking an EU financial package for Ukraine. Eventually the European prime ministers and the Biden administration alike may well do deals and allocate the money. But in the meantime—and just in case they fail—there is something else that American and European governments can do.


  • VeryVito@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Op-Ed’s are just that: Opinions and Editorials. In traditional print journalism, they usually included informed opinion pieces from the editor of the publication itself, or perhaps expert guest or syndicated columnists. Fringe opinions were only relegated to the “letters to the editor” public-forum subsections and not given much weight. Today it seems whoever types fastest gets the audience.