The official narrative has been that Hamas is weakened, but in reality the IDF’s doctrine of massive force is failing, writes Paul Rogers, emeritus professor of peace studies at UK’s Bradford University.

        10 months ago

        Every politician and military leader worth their salt knows that oppression creates terrorism. The way Israel has been treating Palestine made Hamas inevitable, and everyone making decisions in Israel had to have known it. So why intentionally create terrorists? Because theoretically, the existence of terrorists justifies violence. Hamas was created by Israel with the intention of accelerating the genocide under a sympathetic justification.

        Hamas is a Frankenstein’s monster. A creation, deliberately made, which grew out of its creator’s control. Hamas’ cause is more sympathetic than Israel bargained for, because at the end of the day all that rage and violence is motivated by a desire not to be oppressed. And just like in the original Frankenstein, all the creator needs to defeat the monster is a little bit of love. If Israel passed laws guaranteeing the equality of Palestinian citizens, Hamas would have no new recruits and no international support. Its legitimacy and power would evaporate in a day. Israel continues the “war” because it believes it can still control the monster. That it can still use Hamas to justify further violence.

          10 months ago

          Yep, there was a reason why until 2019 i believe Israel publicly funded the Hamas with the intent to weaken the formation of a Palestinian government. Israel’s far right needs someone they can try and look strong against so people stop looking inword ar what thier government is actually doing.