• hpca01@programming.dev
    9 months ago

    This is exactly what the alt-right Christian fucks want. I’m surprised that they don’t realize how much in common they have with the Taliban.

  • iquanyin@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    the taliban suck, for sure. that said, i’d have been thrilled if i’d not had to go back to school, even tho i got good grades. i certainly wouldn’t have been “in tears” more like having a tiny party,

  • daltotron@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Ahh, the taliban, or the brave mujahideen fighters, of course, are being religious fanatics again! Who could’ve guessed! I’m sure when I look into this comment section, I’m going to see lots of people doing historical and contextual analysis, and maybe even some religious analysis, as to why this is the case! I’m sure I won’t see bigotry directed at muslims in general for being the victims of politically conservative radicalizing oil wars! I’m sure everyone will have a totally rational opinion on this!

    • filoria@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      they spent decades fighting off two superpowers playing around in their backyard

  • betterdeadthanreddit@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Should be raining switchblade drones on their leadership until they learn to behave. Let them play 13th century games on a modern battlefield without the courtesy of putting ourselves in AK-47 or exploding vest range.

    • mean_bean279@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Why should you give a shit what they do? I’ll hunt down anyone who commits acts of terror against the US, but I don’t give a fuck if these people want to repress their own people. It’s their choice how to live, not mine. One man’s repression is another’s freedom since religion makes people do dumbass things. They’re not worth the cost of a switchblade nor any of the other expensive shit we lobbed at that country for 2 decades. Once we had the guy that coordinated 9/11 we should have pulled out. They don’t want western style “civilization” they’re perfect happy (definitely not all of them) with their value and political system.

        • mean_bean279@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          You’re literally calling for raining bombs on a country of people who don’t want that… you’re not asking for human rights. You’re pushing your ideas of right on them. Have you learned nothing from what the middle eastern people have been telling western civilization over the last several years? They don’t want our ideas. They have religious texts that they believe sets up how to live and act for them. Just leave them the fuck alone and focus on our own countries.

    • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Yes, because achieving lasting positive change by killing people has worked SO well in Afghanistan of all places 🤦

  • fastandcurious@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    No where in Islam does it say that girls are not allowed to study, what a fucking bunch of dimwits these people are…

    Edit: Narcissist would be the right word here

    • i_have_no_enemies@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      not true

      However, some scholars who interpret Islam as not allowing women to leave the house also interpret it to mean not allowing them to go to school.

      These scholars might take this verse about the family of the Prophet to mean that this is the ideal example to follow for all women:

      Koran 33:33:

      Settle in your homes, and do not display yourselves as women did in the days of ˹pre-Islamic˺ ignorance. Establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah only intends to keep ˹the causes of˺ evil away from you and purify you completely, O members of the ˹Prophet’s˺ family!

      Islam has onerous rules about female segregation and these could be used by folks to prevent girls from going to school. Aisha tried to circumvent the rules regarded segregation by using the adult breastfeeding loophole to make people her mahram.

      Here’s the origin story of adult breastfeeding:


      A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Sahla bint Suhail came to Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: Messenger of Allah, I see on the face of Abu Hudhaifa (signs of disgust) on entering of Salim (who is an ally) into (our house), whereupon Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) said: Suckle him. She said: How can I suckle him as he is a grown-up man? Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) smiled and said: I already know that he is a young man 'Amr has made this addition in his narration that he participated in the Battle of Badr and in the narration of Ibn 'Umar (the words are): Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) laughed. Reference : Sahih Muslim 1453a https://sunnah.com/muslim:1453a

      Aisha having to go to such extremes to make people mahram for her shows that segregation was a really cumbersome problem and would possibly restrict the ability of women to leave the home to get an education.

      The other wives of Mohammad were not onboard with this adult breastfeeding loophole and these verses were lost according to Aisha:


      It was narrated that 'Aishah said: “The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed1, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”

      Grade: Hasan

      Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah 1944 https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1944

      In my opinion Islam doesn’t promote critical thinking regardless of gender. Click here for more on that.

      Mohammad called women deficient in intelligence over rules that he himself had cooked up in this hadith:


      Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Once Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) of Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, “O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).” They asked, “Why is it so, O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) ?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.”

      Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 304 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304

      A muslim group like the Taliban could use this hadith to say that resources should not be wasted on women and that boys should be educated and women should be confined to the home to carry out household chores which are more in line with their level of intelligence.

      In summary, girl’s education is not prohibited directly but the segregation/hijab/hadith denigrating women’s intelligence can allow some muslim groups leeway to restrict their education.

      • fastandcurious@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Hey There, I appreciate you citing sources and doing some research yourself! However I would like to clarify the things that I feel are wrong in your argument, I am on mobile so please forgive if the comment is not formatted well

        The first thing here is that as far as basic human dignity is considered, both men and women are equal in islam, if anything is permitted for men, it is also permitted for women and vice versa unless explicitly stated otherwise (and innovation is a huge in sin islam)[1]

        Nowhere is education banned for women specifically, and it is in fact encouraged (which means for women as well)[2][3]

        This is also a nice segue into the fact that islam doesn’t really ‘prohibit’ critical thinking, it deals with supernatural things, nowhere in islam you are taught calculus (cringe analogy i know, but it gets the point across), specifically islam talks about life after death, which we have no idea of, it’s completely open to interpretation, so there is really no answer to what happens after death or why life exists in the first place. Also nowhere in the quran will you find absurd statements like the sky is red like the thread suggests, most of the things that it talks about are established science or real life experiences (sun rising from the east, fruits growing from plants etc), or advice on how to handle situations like loans, marriage, divorces and so on, every institute has some sort of set of rules it is governed by, and you can read through the quran and won’t find anything that straight up contradicts common knowledge or established science, you can just think of it as a general set of rules, also it tackles a lot of things that the arabs of that time dealt with so it alienates some people, but the general rules which apply to everyone are very ‘naturalistic’/real life based, so saying that islam does not allow critical thinking is just wrong imo

        Now on the most sensitive issue, the status of women in islam, i would like to point out that any hadith or verse from quran should be taken in context of the time and place it was revealed in the case of quran or said/performed in the case of hadith, things can change quite substantially depending on time and location, there are multiple examples of this of which i’ll add a source later

        So in the hadith you mentioned about degeneration of women, i’ll first point out some reasons as to why it was probably said

        1. With regard to a woman’s lack of reason, it is because women are easily swayed by emotions, which make them unable to deal appropriately with new issues that arise.

        2. As for a woman’s lack of religious commitment, it is because women do not pray and fast during the days of their menses and when they are bleeding following childbirth.

        As for them complaining, Surah Al Mujadilah (The first few verses) specifically talks about a women who complained to the prophet about the way her husband acted, and she was not the one criticized, instead all men warned about sinful divorce and the compensations they will have to complete(You can read it here https://quran.com/al-mujadila)

        Also islam talk a lot about women rights in various other places[4][5][6][7], hence maintaining a sort of equilibrium, both men and women are warned about their wrongdoings

        On the last topic of suckling, it has nothing to do with segregation, it was a different matter which this [8] explains quite well

        I would like to end by saying that there is a reason scholars exist who spend their lives studying hadiths and quran, they both have to interpreted carefully to not arrive at the wrong conclusions, your understanding of hadith isn’t perfect, nor is mine, the best I can do is try to explain the best I can, no society is perfect, there are of course of a lot of extremist on any sort of ‘following’, you will even find atheists who don’t want any person who follows any religion to exist, but it is important to understand there are good people and scholars as well, while our opinions might differ, the best thing to do is to try to adopt the good qualities from both sides

        And really the point I am trying to make from all of this is that ‘organizations’ like taliban or ‘some’ governments don’t really represent Islam, for them religion is just a tool they can use to bring a ton of people on their sides who will not bother to fact check their claims or even bother to learn about their own beliefs, the perfect example of this is the fact that in photo in the article, you can see a male teacher teaching an all-female class, the more appropriate thing here is to actually have a female teacher, but I guarantee that the taliban doesn’t hire female teachers, which is just enough for any reasonable person to understand the hypocrisy of these (talibani) people

        [1] https://sunnah.com/nasai:1578

        [2] https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1388

        [3]https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1383, https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1385

        [4] https://quran.com/an-nisa/19

        [5] https://quran.com/an-nisa/32

        [6] https://sunnah.com/muslim:1468a

        [7] https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi:3895

        [8] https://islamqa.org/hanafi/daruliftaa/8424/clarification-of-hadith-about-the-suckling-of-a-grown-man/

        • i_have_no_enemies@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          both men and women are equal in islam

          Quran 4:34 Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allāh has given one over the other and what they spend from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allāh would have them guard.2 But those from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; , forsake them in bed; and , beat them .4 But if they obey you , seek no means against them. Indeed, Allāh is ever Exalted and Grand.

          Nowhere is education banned for women specifically

          They are only allowed islamic education according to ijmaa https://youtu.be/sluWhFVw7h0?si=mc-OOq_hejDY02c_&t=525

          • fastandcurious@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            The video you linked has uh, let’s say a lot of problems The first red flag being that the individual claims that ‘he is more knowledgeable about islam than anybody else’ which is a major red flag, but let’s put that aside for now

            The very first hadith he quotes is da’eef (weak) so that is pretty much irrelevant considering there are sahih(correct) contradictory hadith(s) one of them being this Riyad as-Salihin 1390 https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:1390 (Sahih)(Correct), this hadith specifically mentions religious knowledge, and doesn’t specify who gets this knowledge or not

            But he uses the weak hadith to push his point anyway, and the reason is because the feeling i get is that this guy is trying to say we should not share any of our knowledge with people of other faiths

            Second issue he mentions is that women are not allowed to come to colleges with non mehrams and not learn anything that takes them away from islam and uses it as the reason girls are not supposed to study in Islam, what he conveniently misses out though is that men are also subject to these rulings, and i don’t think men have any problem going to colleges, flip this guy from atheist to religious and this is the type of guy who would ban women from education, I think i don’t need to explain the mentality this guy has, also there is a thing called ‘concessions’ which are granted by scholars, and most of the (decent) scholars are of the opinion that studying in co-ed schools and colleges is permissible as long both the sides stay within the prescribed rulings

            Third: This guy picks a random guys book who I have never heard of and starts quoting whatever he has written, safe to say i don’t care what ‘Ashraf Ali Thanvi’ has to say, he never seems to derive any of his opinions from quran and sunnah, i have already mentioned that no society is perfect, while I have never even seen the book, let alone heard this guys name, I will admit that there maybe some places where this guy is popular, and I will wholeheartedly admit that this is a problem, the source of sharia is hadith and quran, and ijma (see the last part) (and to some extent the four imam’s of fiqh) anyone who starts saying whatever they think is best/appropriate is dishonest

            Then at 15:50, he says the most ridiculous thing possible, he shows a fatwa where IT CLEARLY STATES THAT IT IS PERMISSIBLE FOR HER TO STUDY IF THERE ARE NO ALTERNATIVES and then he proceeds to ask what if these laws are not met, what laws are not met? I don’t know about any college that forces male and female people to sit together, or make them talk forcefully, because if something like that exists, it is an issue on a state level, people are given freedom of expression, no women (or men) should be forced to do anything.

            He then proceeds to say the prophet only took help from women in those things which the women were able to do, what? How can someone do something they can’t do, the statement doesn’t even make sense, this was really the point where I was about to close the video but then he said some other things that i think could be clarified, you can learn more about women treating men in battle here: https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/156919/the-life-of-rufaydah-al-aslamiyyah

            His argument about The university of qarawiyyin is also so ignorant it’s hilarious, he didn’t even bother to read the Wikipedia page which clearly states that there is lack of documentation about who used to study there and what type of studies were there, regardless if it’s fake or not, he used this to try to prove his point anyway, if you dig deeper into wiki you will find this:

            Students were male, but traditionally it has been said that “facilities were at times provided for interested women to listen to the discourse while accommodated in a special gallery (riwaq) overlooking the scholars’ circle”. Like I said, that there is a lack of documentation, so really anything is to be taken with a grain of salt, it also shows that there was period of decline until the early 1900’s meaning there were probably fewer students, it was finally reformed in the early-mid 1900s until it was finally integrated into the state educational system in 1947, and women have been studying there since 1940’s.

            Overall this is just a pathetic source when you are trying to prove something.

            I would also like to add that a hypothesis is not given by a conducting one experiment, a lot of factors are taken into account and the experiment is repeated multiple times with different conditions, similarly picking one ayah from the quran and using it to prove a point doesn’t make a lot of sense, you need look at the context, and the other verses and hadiths as well, which i have already provided a few and you can look for more yourself, or if you want I can list them, which will take a lot of time on my side

            The next slave girl concept has been long obliterated in today’s modern world, you have to remember like i said in my previous comment, quran also has a lot of laws for the arabs of that time which have been called illiterate a variety of times, people really used to marry practically infinite amount of women and even their mothers, there are many hadiths that talk about releasing slaves and how rewarding it is [1][2][3] in fact it is a compensation in many cases where you miss important religious duties, to the point where the system has died (i am not saying Islam did it, it happened due to a variety of reasons)

            Also even in that time you just couldn’t make any girl a slave, this was only for the prisoners of war, you were supposed to share your food and wealth with them and help them in tough works, I am not saying that having a slave is even remotely justified today, but what i am saying is that there is a lot more nuance to it

            Also in response to some other replies, I am not really trying to influence or change your opinion, you are absolutely entitled to your opinions, I am just writing this to speak about how many muslims I see who are discriminated by people because of terrorist organizations or an incomplete understanding of Islam, even if you don’t agree with the teachings, it doesn’t even remotely justify people using terrible words and accusing them of actions they didn’t do in the first place, not just about islam, i could make a similar case about judaism, christianity or any other religion for that matter.

            Some people need to start seeing other people as people first not muslim/christian/jew/atheist

            [1] Sahih al-Bukhari 2517 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2517

            [2] Sahih al-Bukhari 2518 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2518

            [3] Sahih al-Bukhari 2519 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2519, Sahih al-Bukhari 2520 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2520

            Side-note: Ijma is “ Ijmāʿ (Arabic: إجماع ʾiǧmāʿ [ʔɪd͡ʒˈmæːʕ], “consensus”) is an Arabic term referring to the consensus or agreement of the Islamic community on a point of Islamic law.”, not something a random guy said on youtube

            • i_have_no_enemies@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              very first hadith he quotes is da’eef (weak)

              According to whom?

              i don’t care what ‘Ashraf Ali Thanvi’ has to say

              Ashraf Ali Thanwi (often referred as Hakimul Ummat[a][5] and Mujaddidul Millat[b] (19 August 1863 – 20 July 1943) was a late-nineteenth and twentieth-century Sunni scholar, jurist, thinker, reformist and the revival of classical Sufi thought from Indian subcontinent during the British Raj,[6][7] one of the chief proponents of Pakistan Movement.[5] He was a central figure of Islamic spiritual, intellectual and religious life in South Asia and continues to be highly influential today.

              clearly he has done his homework and he holds good amount of authority and credibility.

              also the wiki page for the university mentions about the doccumentation

              Also even in that time you just couldn’t make any girl a slave, this was only for the prisoners of war, you were supposed to share your food and wealth with them and help them in tough works, I am not saying that having a slave is even remotely justified today, but what i am saying is that there is a lot more nuance to it

              please see the following link Recommendations VS LAW (The recommendation is to set a slave free for slapping, but the LAW is an owner will not be punished even if he kills his slave)

  • AutoTL;DR@lemmings.worldB
    9 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    In September 2021, a month after U.S. and NATO troops withdrew from Afghanistan following two decades of war, the Taliban announced that girls were barred from studying beyond sixth grade.

    The Taliban have defied global condemnation and warnings that the restrictions will make it almost impossible for them to gain recognition as the country’s legitimate rulers.

    Last week, U.N. special envoy Roza Otunbayeva expressed concern that a generation of Afghan girls is falling behind with each day that passes.

    Last week, an official in the Education Ministry said Afghan girls of all ages are allowed to study in religious schools known as madrassas, which have traditionally been boys-only.

    In another part of Kabul, 13-year old Setayesh Sahibzada wonders what the future holds for her.

    Analyst Muhammad Saleem Paigir warned that excluding women and girls from education will be disastrous for Afghanistan.

    The original article contains 327 words, the summary contains 141 words. Saved 57%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • Thirdborne@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I’ll never forget, a few years into the war I asked what my Afghani colleague thought of the war. He told me “I hate the Taliban. When I was a boy they came to my village and slit all the men’s throats. NOT a few of the men. ALL of the men.” Leaving those people to suffer that regime was a greater crime than any we committed in the 20 years of occupation.

  • lntl@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    USA should have never left and should return to end terrorism of taliban

    • PugJesus@kbin.social
      9 months ago

      Man, we spent 20 years trying to end it. Arguably we could have had success if it wasn’t for the Iraq War interrupting things, but that’s besides the point now - we don’t have the political capital to go back in, we don’t have a reason to go back in (as bad as Afghanistan is, oppression is not actually grounds for intervention despite what Bush will tell you), and we have limited resources. We have to use our limited resources on objectives that are obtainable, justifiable, and have a good outcome relative to investment. Right now, that’s the Ukrainian War. After 20 years in Afghanistan? Afghanistan is at the very bottom of the fucking list, man. We can’t just say “Here’s another trillion, let’s try again”

  • werty@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    Courtesy from Western civillization : supporting reactionnary elements world wide to exploit humanity…