There’s something I don’t understand here: why when I do “Open Folder” and then save the session, closing it and opening it again I’m left with nothing?
Instead, if I open some files in subdirectories, the next time I reopen the session I’m just presented with the parent folders of those files, but I really needed to have the topmost directory to be able to access the whole tree structure whenever I reopen the session.

Is it possible? Or do I have to make a project?

    9 months ago

    Hmm, yeah, interesting. Especially that it opens the directory in the Projects view rather than the file system browser plugin view (even if there is no .kateproject or .git/ in the directory).

    I just had a bit of a play with it and, contrary to my expectation, it actually seems like the directory for the File System Browser plugin is remembered per session. That feels like it would actually be exactly what you’re looking for…? 🙃