it’s week 2 of 2024 and Holy Fuck Is It Windy Out There right now, oh god

  • frog 🐸
    9 months ago

    University spring term started again this week, and after being loaded down with three more assignments (including another group project), we also got the grades for one of last term’s assignments. I am very, very pleased with mine - 81%, which probably only really means something to those familiar with UK degree-level grading, but I’m really proud of it (while simultaneously being mildly annoyed I couldn’t do better). Last term’s group project grades will be given next week (though we do know that everyone passed, which is 40% or higher), and I’m expecting that one to be quite a bit lower. I’d like something above 70%, but that feels a bit optimistic given what a disaster the project was.

    I’ve mentioned on a number of occasions the guy who was on my team project whose combination of arrogance and laziness made him more of a hindrance than a help throughout the entire project. I had a bit of a blow up at him just before Christmas, the culmination of his obstructiveness, his chronic (but not terminal) verbal diarrhoea, and utter lack of ability to accept that no means no. (“Do not touch my laptop” is pretty explicit, and should not prompt an argument about how it’s fine because he knows how to handle laptops.) Anyway, the outcome of this is that he’s spent the whole week sulking in the corner of the room, not talking to anyone. He also ragequit the class Discord server over Christmas, and nobody even noticed he was gone until today when we were getting set up for the new group project. That’s how much everybody likes him. I feel a little bad because I don’t like it when someone feels like they’re not welcome… even when they’re genuinely not welcome because they’re a dick.