Brett Kavanaugh, the US supreme court justice, will “step up” for Donald Trump and help defeat attempts to remove the former president from the ballots in Colorado and Maine for inciting an insurrection, a Trump lawyer said.

“I think it should be a slam dunk in the supreme court,” Alina Habba told Fox News on Thursday night. “I have faith in them.

“You know, people like Kavanaugh, who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place, he’ll step up. Those people will step up. Not because they’re pro-Trump but because they’re pro-law, because they’re pro-fairness. And the law on this is very clear.”

    • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.worldOP
      6 months ago

      “Apparent invitation to corruption” is how they put it further down the article.

      But yeah, one or the other. Kavanaugh is as much on the take as Thomas ever was, IMO, and when you’re on the take it’s always both carrot and stick: reward for compliance, threat of exposure for non-compliance.

      This is Habba’s open attempt to remind everyone – but especially Kavanaugh himself – that his appointment was no gift, and the time to be of special service has arrived.