As a result of having an antibiotic-resistant case of chronic sinusitis, I’m having to get an endoscopic sinus surgery along with septoplasty, turbinate reduction, and a few other related procedures on the 15th….

and my anxiety is going nuts!

As of now, I’ve got severe pressure in my ears causing tinnitus, pressure behind my eyes, headaches, and all-over body aches. All of my sinus cavities are infected or so the CT scan shows- so I know I absolutely need to have this procedure, but I’m so worried!

At 51 years old, I’ve never had surgery before in my life.Never been touched by a scalpel. Essentially… I’ve lived in my safe little bubble all this time without having ever had to deal with anything even remotely close to this- and it’s driving me batty!

I’ve tried going over this with my ENT and even explaining to him that I’m on the spectrum, and but he’s incredibly dismissive.

Is there anyone here that’s got some positive energy they can send my way? Maybe some stories of similar procedures? Some advice? Or at least some reasons why I shouldn’t be so worried? I really could use some reassurance here.

    9 months ago

    I had sinus surgery with septoplasty in 2022. It’s a pretty easy recovery. The worst pain of the experience is honestly when you wake up from sedation with a sore throat. Otherwise the most troublesome part for me was trying to sleep upright for a few nights and resisting the temptation to blow my nose. About a week after the surgery I sneezed in the shower and a big blood clot flew out, and it was like all of the pressure I’ve felt in my head for a decade disappeared in that moment. 10/10 would do again.

    I recommend prepping a TV show to watch while you recover, or another easy hobby you can do in bed while sitting upright.

    Before surgery stock up on tissues, throat lozenges (bring some to the hospital with you!!), minty caffeine free tea, laxatives (for the side effects of pain killers), and OTC pain medication. If you have someone taking care of you, let them know that simple soups and fruit smoothies are going to be your best bet for a few days.