So it continues.

    8 months ago

    Somehow, everyone has lost 20-40% of their turnover while producing the same financial results.

    That’s called inflation. And stickers aren’t a good way to track the economy. Where do you put the sticker on a service or app?

      8 months ago

      This is mostly about manufacturing, and the global economy. I know most of the US economy is about services, but services depend on goods, and goods depend on manufacturing. How do you sell more apps if people buy fewer phones?

      To be fair, all of this is anecdotal. It’s just that I see continuous layoffs in service as well, like the article says. I’m hearing manufacturing is similarly depressive. There are and have been huge problems with trade and supply chains, it was the pandemic before, now it’s the Yemen thing.

      I guess I’m just saying the world economy is not doing well right now. I hope it will get better soon. Also, it’s not just the Western world’s economy. China is trying to stave off a real estate collapse. Russia is in a war that basically eliminated it as a world power. A lot of South America and Africa is in turmoil. Europe is trying to solve multiple refugee crises simultaneously, while also trying to not go full fascist.

      I would just be happy if this did not escalate further. I’m tired.