Welcome to the latest version of Lemmy!

  • If you’re having trouble logging in, clear your cookies.
  • If the bottom of the page tells you “BE: 0.18.5” then you need to shift-refresh your page (or clear browser cache).
  • If your app doesn’t work anymore, try to sign out and sign back in.
  • If it really doesn’t work, it’s probably because Lemmy 0.19 introduces many big changes with how things work. Apps still being maintained by their developer should work. Apps that have not been updated in the last couple of months most likely will not work.
  • If you’re using an alternate web frontent (a.lemmy.nz, t.lemmy.nz, p.lemmy.nz, voyager.lemmy.nz) then you will most likely have to clear your cache, or at the very least log out and back in.

There’s a post about this release by the developers here.

Also see the blog post about the original 0.19.0 release, which is where the major changes are.

Some key things:

  • There’s a new scaled sort that helps posts from small communities be seen in your feed
  • Users can now block entire instances
  • Two factor authentication should no longer lock you out of your account (no recovery codes, though?)
  • You can now export your user data (community follows, blocklists, profile settings) and import into another server as a way of migrating accounts.
  • “active user” stats shown on the home page will now count users that vote as active. Previously a user needed to post or comment.

Let me know if you see any issues!

    • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
      9 months ago

      Got a bit of a fright with server errors and login failing, but clearing browser data helped on both accounts. Some hoops to avoid clearing more than needed.

      If anyone is wondering, specifically:

      • Removing the JWT cookie on desktop solved the ‘Incorrect login credentials’ error for me - right click, inspect page, storage tab, select cookies option, select the cookie named “jwt” and press delete/backspace.
      • Clearing the site data solved the ‘Server error’ problem on mobile for me - go to lemmy.nz, click the lock indicating a secure connection, then click option to delete browsing data just for this site.

      These are instructions for firefox/fennec but are likely to be the same or very similar for other browsers.

  • Takahe@lemmy.nz
    9 months ago

    Thanks for keeping this running! I am on the Voyager android app and had to remove my account and re-add it, bit no problems now.

  • sylverstream@lemmy.nz
    9 months ago

    Great work @dave (hey why can’t I tag you properly, I’m on the Voyager app?) Thanks for all the hard work.

  • spider@lemmy.nz
    9 months ago

    Just a heads up, since I know this has nothing to do with your instance, but version 0.19.2 unhides comments and posts that I have deleted. Version 0.18.5 kept them hidden. Maybe report this to Lemmy devs (?)

    • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
      9 months ago

      Do you mean posts and comments you have created then deleted are suddenly back?

      Do you have an example? If it’s only marked as deleted, then I believe both you (as creator) and I (as admin) should be able to see it, even if it’s currently marked as admin. I’m wanting to get a bit more context around it to help search for any existing reports.

      Edit: oh, I think you mean that when you delete a comment, it would hide it unless you expanded the comment? Now it’s shown by default, but only to you, it’s still deleted?

      • spider@lemmy.nz
        9 months ago

        Yes, they are suddenly back with 0.19.2. I usually zero the comments and posts out with periods / generic links, then save before deleting.

        If you check my post history you will see several examples from a few weeks ago, when I deleted them out of frustration with that community.

        • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
          9 months ago

          I’m noticing I don’t see any posts marked as deleted. Maybe something changed?

          Are you able to send me the URL of a specific deleted post? By DM is fine if you don’t want to post here.

          I also noticed they changed what users see, could it be this?

          • spider@lemmy.nz
            9 months ago

            Can’t send URL right now, but just noticed if I sign out, deleted posts are no longer visible to me, but deleted comments are marked deleted by creator and still visible.

            With version 0.18.5, when posts or comments were deleted, it didn’t matter whether or not I was signed in; they were all hidden — meaning no deleted by creator comments.

            If you look through my comment history you might see the one I deleted yesterday.

            They changed what users see about half a year ago; now it appears to be back to the way it was before then.

            Also, thanks!

            • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
              9 months ago

              Ah, at the beginning I thought posts and comments you had deleted were now un-deleted. Sound like you can just see that a comment was deleted, but not the content.

              I see some discussion in here, does this seem like the same as you’re talking about? https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/3965

                • Dave@lemmy.nzOPM
                  9 months ago

                  While I get the general idea of what you’re saying, I don’t think I really understand it enough to raise a bug report and answer their follow up questions.

                  Would you consider raising one?