• elbucho@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I’m going to respond to this first, because I think it’s the most succinct example of the point I’m about to make:

    Secondly, our country is a republic, not a democracy–please lookup the Pledge of Allegiance.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think it’s very unlikely that you know what either a republic or a democracy is. Because you seem to think that they’re mutually exclusive, when in fact they are very much not. America, my slow friend, is a democratic republic. A republic is a political system in which a representative is given executive authority for a particular period of time. The “particular period of time” bit is what differentiates it from, say, a monarchy. Presidents in the US are elected every 4 years. This makes it a republic.

    A democracy is a political system in which the populace as a whole is invested with the authority to vote on things. This can, and often does include representatives, such as a president.

    So you see, America is both a Democracy AND a Republic, and the two are not mutually exclusive. There. Now that you’ve had the most basic of civics lessons that you as a potentially functional adult SHOULD HAVE ALREADY FUCKING KNOWN… let’s get to the meat of what you replied with.

    You mean to say that at the end of his term, a deadly virus hit the whole world and he couldn’t get a vaccine created in time to save everyone?

    No. That would be stupid. Trump had no control over the virus any more than anybody else in the world did. And yet, he was the figurehead of the nation, and wielded executive authority that allowed him to take steps to mitigate its impact. This is the same for every other head of state in the world. So one has to ask why America did so poorly in its response to the virus compared to most of the rest of the world.

    For starters, it’s probably not a good thing that he routinely poo-pooed life saving measures, such as social distancing and masking. And it’s also not a good thing that he promoted things like hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that has zero proven benefits in relation to COVID. Additionally, I would argue that it was a bad thing that members of his administration sought to divert life-saving medical equipment such as ventilators from blue states.

    The truth is, at every turn, Trump did the dumbest, most harmful thing possible. Remember that time he speculated openly on the mic about whether you could inject bleach or shove a light bulb up your ass to kill COVID? Good times. Or that time when he caught COVID, was rushed to Walter Reed where he received treatments not available to the rest of the public, and then he ordered his secret service guys to drive him around (while not masked) to show the world that “hey - COVID’s no big deal!”

    I could go on with more, but I doubt you’re going to read anything I’ve written anyway. Your last paragraph is somehow dumber than the ones before it, which is impressive. You have shown yourself to have very little in the way of critical thinking skills, which means you’ll believe even the dumbest lies out there. Like your idiotic belief that the Democrats refused the National guard when there is video of Nancy Pelosi urgently requesting National Guard support. Or your even more idiotic belief that George Floyd died of a drug overdose only after being choked for 9 minutes.

    I mean, my god man. How stupid can you possibly be? Have you never been taught how to examine things critically? Just, for the love of fuck, pull your head out of your ass and look at the real world around you once in a while. You have been repeatedly lied to by the people you’re defending, and you’re too dumb to see it.

    • BearFats@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      I know what both are, but if we are to define what our government is, it would surely be a republic over a democracy. For example, if I said I ate an orange apple, I’m eating an apple, not an orange, even if it has some characteristics of an orange. Same could be said for democratic republic. Does it has democratic characteristics, yes, but it is a republic.

      I don’t luke how Trump handled the virus in every way, I’ll give you that one. Depends on the study, but hydroxychloroquine has been effective for some, with all the variants and specific combinations of factors, it won’t work for all, just like Tylenol or Motrin isn’t a one stop fix for a headache.

      With hundreds being put in jail for non-insurrection charges while Left media also claiming it was an insurrection for years, you can’t belive that at all. Even before that the Russia election interference.

      Critically think about it, do you really think Trump is the only one to do anything sketchy in politics? It’s all a media and government circle jerk to make him unlikeable and ruin his name.

      The good thing is that It’s really is backfiring in a big way too because folks who can think critically see it’s the Democrats so scared of corrupt, vile Trump they need to talk about him even when Biden won. They sure can’t talk about Biden’s efforts on immigration, economy, or war efforts, or even just walking and talking.

      There is no confidence in our nation as soon as Trump left office. Stock markets plunged, inflation went up, used up our oil reserves, botched Afghan exit, wars popping up all over. I understand d you can be critical of both sides, and I do see Trumps flaws, but it is undeniable life during during Trump’s presidency was better than now.