Some real estate dickhead just rang my mobile (which is not advertised anywhere) saying they were “just in the area” and wanted to do an appraisal on a house we own in <suburb name>.

It’s an agency we don’t use for any purpose, have never used for any purpose, and have never approached for any reason.

Is there some sort of legal issue with some smarmy sales knob looking up property owner details and cold calling them?

Makes me feel all gross that their grubby mitts are pawing through my deets somewhere in the hope of being able to stick a tongue up my bum and get a taste of some back door cash.

    9 months ago

    Mmm, you talking like the sexual revolution or like the Russian revolution? 'Cos you can miss me with that latter shit, change wrought of violence leaves people confused, unthinking and ends up with a new pack of cunts in charge doing the same shit in a different hat.

    People who call for violent revolution in the western world tend to pull their playbook out of goddamn religious idealism. Specifically that whole weird apocalypse obsession. One big final war and then all things will be well!!!


    There is no final goal to be kicked here. There is no final deciding victory. There’s just the unromantic never ending work of improvement. Deal with it.