My cat is a young cat (about 9 months) and pretty chill most of the time. Of course he is curious when I eat something, but he’s not annoying. Only when I pick up his bowl to get food for him, boy does he start meowing. It’s super annoying and I don’t know what to do to teach him that he doesn’t need to tell me to give him food, while I’m giving him food.

I’ve tried maintaining eye contact and taking a step backwards every time he meows. Then I wait a few seconds for him to be silent and start walking towards where the bowl is supposed to be, but whenever I start moving again he starts meowing again. Sometimes it works, but only after I spent half an hour walking back and forth on the same spot. I just don’t have the time or energy to do that every single day, and I don’t feel like he understands what he’s supposed to do. He sits on his scratching cardboard, rubs on my legs, walks around, or lies on the ground, but he never stops meowing for more than 5 or 10 seconds.

By now I resorted to locking him in the bathroom until he shuts up and then letting him out with the bowl already in place, but I also feel like that is not a very effective solution. Also it just feels wrong.

Does anyone have an idea how I can train him better?

    9 months ago

    I had a cat who did this. I loved it and was a bit disappointed when he stopped a few weeks later.

    You said he is young. He will likely calm down as he gets older.

    If the crying really bothers you, pick up the bowl as soon as he stops eating and don’t put it down again until the next meal. Then there will be fewer clues when it is time for food. He will still know, but it will require more effort on his part.