Okay let me start with two heavy hitters right from the get go and don’t forget these are only personal oppinions and I absolute understand if the rest of the world like those games. Good for you!

Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Not a bad game per se, but I don’t get the hype behind it. Sure the dungeons are fun but the world is so lifeless, the story non existent, the combat pretty shallow, the tower climbing is very much like FarCry but for some reasons it’s okay here while Ubisoft gets the blame…like I said I dont get why the game is so beloved. Never finished it after the 20 hour mark and probably never will.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Just like Zelda not a bad game, but imho highy overrated. Graphics and and atmosphere are amazing but the controls are clunky and overloaded, nearly everybody is an unlikable douchebag who I would love to shoot myself at the first opportunity (maybe except Jack and Abigail), the game is just so long and feels very stretched, you already know that you won’t get Dutch because it’s a prequel and for an open world game you often get handholded in your weapon selection or things you can do because you have to wait for them to be unlocked by the game.

So there they are, two highly controversial oppinions by me and now I’m really curios what your takes are and how highly I get downvoted into oblivion 😂

  • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
    5 months ago

    The ones you mentioned, as well as:

    • GTA V - I disliked the characters, story was uninteresting, and gameplay felt like a downgrade from GTA IV; graphics were the main attraction there, and that’s not enough for me
    • Borderlands - my fastest “nope, not for me” game I’ve played; I don’t like loot in games, and that’s basically the entire point of the game
    • Skyrim - found it very bland coming from Morrowind; side quests weren’t as interesting, which is pretty much the entire reason I liked Morrowind
    • any competitive FPS (Apex Legends, COD, etc) - I play most games once the get the story, mechanics, etc
    • Jojo@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      I don’t like loot in games,

      What about loot do you not like? I don’t mind random loot to a degree, but I’m not a big fan of games where you have to wait for a drop with max stats or whatever. Give me a loot pool with randomizations if you want, but no random stats (e.g., if it has fire that always means the same amount of bonus, or whatever)

      • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
        5 months ago

        TL;DR - I’m a fan of tighter, focused experiences with a strong element of puzzle solving, and I’m generally not a fan of sandbox-y experiences.

        Some of my favorite games are Zelda, Ys, or Half Life. Loot in those games is typically an intentional part of the progression, and the gameplay feels like an action-y puzzle. Resources have a specific purpose, and wasting them has consequences.

        Using a slightly different weapon, item, cosmetic, etc doesn’t excite me at all, I am mostly there for the story and gameplay. To me, shopping feels like poor game design and essentially covering for the player missing something important. So games with extensive store/inventory mechanics feel poorly designed, on average.

        There’s one big exception here: if the economy of the game is integral to the core loop. For example, I love Recettear, which makes loot and inventory management a core mechanic in an interesting way. I’m also working on my own game with a player-driven economy (e.g. if you sell a lot of something, you get less for each additional one, it’s cheaper for AI/other players to buy, and NPCs will slowly distribute the items around the game world).

        On those same lines, I generally don’t like things with crafting, enchanting, etc, unless it’s an interesting, core gameplay mechanic. I’m very goal oriented, so the journey is less important than the destination, so I like constant “mini-destinations” (boss fights, puzzles, etc). I almost never replay games, unless there’s a different set of challenges to explore (e.g. I loved each of the three characters in Ys Origin, but won’t bother playing Morrowind twice).

        • Jojo@lemm.ee
          5 months ago

          Yeah, I’m not a fan of loot that offers incremental benefit, but I do enjoy loot that offers a meaningfully different way to engage with the game (be that a new ability in a metroidvania or some new weapon in a soulslike)

  • AnonTwo@kbin.social
    5 months ago

    First person games

    I think Portal is the only one I’m fine with, probably because there’s not as much action. First person puts me on edge and not in a way that I really appreciate. I also really like to be able to see the character in general.

    To that end I also don’t really like horror games, but I don’t think that’s as divisive an opinion.

    • tiredofsametab@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      Heh, exact opposite for me; I hate 3rd person games and feel frustrated most.of the time (sniper elite comes to mind)

  • enjoytemple@kbin.social
    5 months ago

    Soul like everything, but that’s just me being too clumsy for any challenge. I do hope some people could stop complaining other games being too easy tho. Not every game needs to be Soul likes.

    • dlpkl@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Also this, but because it’s got the quality of an Indie game. Before people jump down my throat, compare the animations, sound effects, graphical fidelity, and voice acting to any other AAA game. Even the combat, which people usually extoll as the best thing about them, is just dodge->attack over and over again. Don’t even get me started on the pathetic “storytelling” in those games.

      Edit: y’all mad huh

  • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I had zero fun playing Breath of the Wild. I was just always looking for new weapons cause they always broke. After 10 hours I just wasnt into it at all so I never opened the game again.

    I also have zero interest for CoD, Battlefield or GTA games.

  • Neato@ttrpg.network
    5 months ago

    Skyrim. I dislike most everything about this game. It’s not a “bad” game as in it doesn’t work and it’s not exploitative, I just think it’s quite average.

    Combat is pathetically simple. There are some interesting support spells but by and large magic is either bolt spamming, beam spell, or you summon golems. Melee is even worse just having basic and strong attacks. This is exemplified by the meme that you can make your character however you want…as long as it’s a stealth archer. But even then the Stealth Archer gameplay is pitiful. Archery has the same boring attacks as melee and stealth is just watching a little icon.

    The story is garbage. Besides a few side quests, the main campaign is just awful.

    The open world is pretty decent, but is waaaaay too small and jam-packed. Skyrim is supposed to be a remote nordic province. But Skyrim does a terrible job at having places feel remote and like wilderness. Every time you turn a corner in a mountain pass there’s another cottage or bandit tower, etc. It feels like a theme park whose theme is nordic wilderness.

    The progression is mostly boring. The skill tree is almost entirely passive bonuses. Do X% more damage, Attacks have a chance to do bleeding, increased range, etc. Very few skill trees have an effect on what you can do; just how well you do it.

    Again, Skyrim isn’t a terrible game. It’s competent at what it does, but not good at it. The only caveat is that there weren’t many open world RPGs before Skyrim that were as large or became as popular. Plenty of games who did every aspect of Skyrim better; but I struggle to find one that did them all at the same time. /rant

    • Cloudless ☼@feddit.uk
      5 months ago

      The things that you dislike about Skyrim are the things that I enjoy.

      I like the simple combat. I couldn’t get into most other action RPGs because of complex combo/quick reflex based combat.

      The open world size is perfect for me. I love finding new attractions everywhere.

    • froggers@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      The open world is pretty decent, but is waaaaay too small and jam-packed. Skyrim is supposed to be a remote nordic province. But Skyrim does a terrible job at having places feel remote and like wilderness. Every time you turn a corner in a mountain pass there’s another cottage or bandit tower, etc. It feels like a theme park whose theme is nordic wilderness.

      That’s exactly the reason why I like the game. That and how moddable it is lol

    • Hyperreality@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      Combat is pathetically simple.

      That’s what I like about it.

      Mod the shit out of it, create an incredibly overpowered character, cut through a dungeon while drinking a cup of tea or eating a sandwich.

  • Nipah@kbin.social
    5 months ago

    For games that are in genres that I’d actually play:

    Final Fantasy 6 (3): I grew up with the NES, and when we got a SNES I got whatever games I could from the $20 bin at Toys R Us. I had some friends who were a bit better off that loaned me some games, and I eventually managed to get my hands on a copy of Chrono Trigger (as well as other RPGs like Breath of Fire), but when I borrowed FFIII from one of them I was just… underwhelmed. I didn’t really care for the characters, it felt pretty slow initially, and I remember getting to a bit with a bunch of moogles in the party and I just put it down and never went back.

    I’ve since tried to play it a few times here and there, but it never really manages to hook me… but people sing the praises of it high and low and I just don’t really get it because I can’t get over the hump.

    The Witcher 1/2/3: I just really don’t like the combat, honestly. I’ve tried playing all three, and managed to get enough time into them to appreciate the good bits (voice acting, story, quest lines) but the main meat and potatoes for me in a game are exploration and combat, and only one of those really works for me in those games. I had a better time in the first game, all things considered, because I guess I was willing to allow a bit of jankiness from an older game, but I bounced off Witcher 2 pretty quickly combat-wise, and didn’t manage to get more than many 1/3 to 1/2 way through Witcher 3 before I just admitted that I wasn’t having fun.

    Persona 3: I got into the games with P4G on my Vita, so part of this is ‘going backwards is hard’ in terms of QoL improvements and what not. But I also played the PSP port of Persona 2 (whichever one was actually ported in English) and had a good time (not so much with the PS1 version of the one that didn’t get the English PSP port… that one was rough) so I guess its just the game didn’t resonate with me as much as the other ones did… Maybe it was the characters or maybe it was the cuts that were made for the P3P version of the game, but it just didn’t hit the same.

    Otherwise, a lot of military-style FPS games (stuff like Halo or Destiny or Timesplitters or even Goldeneye 64 are/were fun), the more recent sports titles (up to the Dreamcast/PS2 I was fine with them, but more realism doesn’t do anything for me), and stuff like MOBA or visual novels or ‘walking sims’ or battle royale or whatever those asynchronous horror games just don’t tick the boxes for me in terms of what I want from a video game.

  • BmeBenji@lemm.ee
    5 months ago


    Don’t get me wrong, the game has fantastic mechanics and great art direction.

    HOWEVER. The game relied too much on its lack of hand-holding in order to be enticing but it came out just raw fuckin frustrating. You know what’s cool? Finding new areas by exploration and not by being told it’s where you’re supposed to go. You know what’s not cool? Being handed a list of names of places with no idea of what is in each of them and being expected to know where to go. I got really frustrated with a boss and quit for a few weeks. I come back, kill the boss, and learn that there’s no new door out of the boss arena. I open the fast travel list to find a long list of names of places I had been to but had no fucking idea which one I was supposed to explore next. That is the absolute worst design choice I have seen in a universally loved game. Fuck Bloodborne.

    Yes, I will absolutely buy it when they decide to remaster it for PC.

  • Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works
    5 months ago

    I was also disappointed by red dead redemption 2.

    The universe is great but why would I feel bad about bandits not being able to be bandits anymore!? Still there is a lot of potential in that wild west universe.

    GTA5. I loved the 4th one but not really liked the 5th one. I guess I can’t understand why you have to be a bad guy in these games and I’m getting too old for that.

    Assassin’s Creed after the second one. The plot lost me and I don’t think there is a plot anymore.

    MGSV. I loved the first 4 MGS and hated that one as it had no good story…

    • trslim@pawb.social
      5 months ago

      I totally agree with MGS5. I just could not get in to the game, I barely felt like I was playing an MGS game. It felt like Ghost Recon or some Ubisoft collectathon game, with just such a lackluster story.

      • Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works
        5 months ago

        Now, in my head, I’m trying not to think about that game at all when I’m thinking about the MGS saga but it kind of ruined it.

    • grayhaze@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      You can’t understand why you need to be a bad guy in a game called Grand Theft Auto, where the main focus of the series is stealing cars and building a criminal empire?

      • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
        5 months ago

        To be fair, in many of the GTA games, you’re not a bad guy. Sure, you break the law; but in almost every instance, the law is super corrupt anyway and you almost always end up working for said corrupt cops at some point because they have you by the balls.

        Vice City is the only one I can’t really find any justification for the protagonists actions other than greed; and that one’s story is basically Scarface where you’re playing as Tony Montana.

        • snooggums@kbin.social
          5 months ago

          To be fair, in many of the GTA games, you’re not a bad guy.

          I’ve played Vice City, 4 and 5 and every one of them started out with the main character(s) being a bad guy who is just a little less evil than the people around them, but still willing to kill to get what they want.

          • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
            5 months ago

            4: Niko grew up as a child soldier and has basically been under the thumb of mob bosses his whole life. It’s also the ONLY game where you actually have choices in many cases to not kill someone as part of his revenge story (he wants to find and kill the man who sold out his unit in some war and got all his friends killed).

            5: Franklin used to be a car thief, and has since gone straight as a repo man. His dumbass friends, along with Micheal and Trevor, get him caught up in all sorts of bullshit he doesn’t necessarily want to do, but doesn’t really have much choice. Micheal is also an ex-criminal trying to go straight, but having a much harder time at it than Franklin. His hot headedness is what got them into major trouble prior to Trevor’s arrival. Trevor is not only a bad guy and a psychopath, he could be considered the main villain of the game. Most of the plot revolves around Micheal trying to hide the truth from Trevor, because he knows Trevor is a fucking maniac and will possibly kill him and his entire family because he sold him out to the cops when they were bank robbers and Micheal wanted out of that life.

            San Andreas: CJ is an ex-gang member who comes home to attend the funeral of his mother who was recently murdered. Things start out with him simply wanting to bring the killer to justice, and gets swept up in more gang violence, police corruption and even government conspiracies.

            They’re as much bad guys as John Wick or John McClane or Arnold Schwartznegger in pretty much any of his 80’s and 90’s action films.

      • Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works
        5 months ago

        I also said that I might be getting too old and be looking for too much sense in games😅

        For instance I now feel bad if I try to kill an innocent pedestrian in cyberpunk 2077 when I didn’t mind killing them for fun when GTAIV was new.

  • Most of the fads and AAA big sellers, really.

    TLOU - Great story, don’t get me wrong; probably some of the best writing in games for it’s time. But the gameplay got super boring once every concept was introduced. The loop is just not satisfying, and exploration is more or less go check out the dead end before moving on, because the level design is so linear. This is more or less the same problem I have with most big AAA titles; they look great, have a good story, but are just so incredibly boring to play. You can tell the budget went entirely into graphics and voice acting, because the game itself feels more like an afterthought to those; it’s just there because otherwise it would be a movie.

    Lethal Company - The game itself is pretty shit and tedious. What makes it fun is not the game, but how voice chat sounds when someone is being chased or getting eaten. 100% a game made for Twitch streamers where more people will be entertained by watching others play than playing themselves.

    Palworld - I was interested by “Pokemon with Guns” and then I found out it’s more like Rust with Pokemon. I hate Rust and Ark all those kinds of survival PvP games. The genre itself has all the same weird jank, like everyone who has been copying the idea from DayZ or the like also copied every bug and bad idea, too; even the AAA made ones! They usually run like shit, are balanced like shit, and get so stale alone and are super frustrating in multiplayer unless you’re playing with a large group of friends so you’re not just being singled out for being all alone.

    GTA:O - Specifically the online portion of GTA5 has made me never want to buy another GTA or rockstar game period. Not because the game play itself sucks, but rather because it’s extremely fun but the game doesn’t want you to have fun if you’re also making money. I can spend hours and hours doing all the activities that don’t earn you cash and have not one single issue other than maybe some other players trying to blow me up (especially if they are modding). But once that Mission Rep meter starts going up, hoo boy… The game starts breaking in all sorts of interesting but frustrating ways. Headshots stop killing in one hit, traffic starts behaving erratically and non-sensically (like straight sliding sideways at light speed to force a collision), triggers start breaking, the server decides to go down or get super laggy, etc. Since none of this happens in single player or while not doing activities that reward cash, and there is no other obvious function of the Mission Rep stat, I can’t help but think these are actually features put into the game on purpose specifically to slow down grinding so people will buy Shark Cards. The same kinda shit happens in RDR2:O, too.

    • Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      5 months ago

      I’m not far enough into paltopialand to really say, but at the beginning and five hours in, it runs at 142FPS and never drops *at max settings. Its performance is really remarkable for an early game.

      I’ve never played Rust or Ark.

      • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
        5 months ago

        To clarify here: It’s not really the game specifically; I just know it’s the latest example of the type of game and super popular atm. It might be the best game of that genre; I still don’t like the genre itself, which is why I’m not getting Palworld.

  • wia@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    Zelda BotW and TotK. I just kind of get board cus the game is so wide but so shallow. I wish I could like it cus there is a ton to like.

    Any souls like. They just seem very lazy and the combat is just silly to me.

    Just about any competitive game honestly. Part of it is I suck at them but mainly the trash talking toxic communities. Plus honestly I’m not very competitive.

    • Renacles@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I’d like to hear a bit more about your thoughts on souls-likes. What makes them lazy and silly?

      • Rikudou_Sage@lemmings.world
        5 months ago

        Not the OP, but IMO it’s that difficulty is an actual feature. And that feels stupid. Difficulty should be a parameter, not a goal.

        I’m a story guy myself, so if the game doesn’t have a really good story, it’s not for me. And souls-likes usually sacrifice everything to difficulty. And even if the story was good, dying 20 times with every new boss would break me out of it all the time.

        • trslim@pawb.social
          5 months ago

          I think with Souls games in particular, difficulty can be part of the atmosphere. Whether or not that is your sort of thing is another story. My husband completely bounced off of Dark Souls even after playing Elden Ring. To him, Elden Ring was the first Souls game that was more interested in being a fun game rather than a difficult experience.

  • Mint_Raccoon@kbin.social
    5 months ago

    Almost anything first person. It makes me incredibly nauseous, which is really unfortunate because there are some really neat games that use the mechanic. I recently sold my copy of Echo Night since I couldn’t play for more than around ten minutes at a time. I also couldn’t complete the tutorial in Half-Life because it made me so nauseous that I had to spend almost the entire day in bed. Weirdly I’m perfectly fine with Metroid Prime.

    • brsrklf@jlai.lu
      5 months ago

      I suspect Metroid Prime works for you because movement is quite slow. Samus feels like a tank compared to Gordon Freeman.

      I love the Prime trilogy, but when I returned to it while doing a Metroid binge of sort, and I was kind of trying to do decent times, I was surprised how much slower-paced they feel compared to the 2D games. Even jumps feel floaty (probably for the better, it’s hard to judge jumps correctly in first person).

    • Veritrax@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I find turning off motion blur and screen shake/weapon bobbing really helps for me. Assuming you have the option that is.

  • Poopfeast420@discuss.tchncs.de
    5 months ago

    The Trails series (Trails in the Sky and Cold Steel).

    Some of the worst villains ever, and you’re constantly getting blue balled. The series keeps introducing new characters, that don’t matter, and just drag things out for hundreds and hundreds of hours.

    Zero and Azure are great though, until they connect back to the main story at the end.

  • Xariphon@kbin.social
    5 months ago

    Legend of Dragoon. The game where a main character dies and is immediately replaced with an off brand of himself, and that includes a boss rush mid game that is unavoidable and punishes you for trying to use the game’s signature mechanic.

  • prunerye@slrpnk.net
    5 months ago

    Minecraft. It desperately needs some QoL improvements for it to be anything but tedious.

    • simple@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      That’s what mods are for, most of the game’s popularity is built around the community and not the vanilla game itself

      • memo@feddit.it
        5 months ago

        Do you have anything to suggest? Me and a friend would like to re-dive into minecraft as a cozy co-op experience but we both have some experience with it from 2010-2018 and the new stuff that came out the last few years just don’t look that convincing.

        I’ve seen modpacks mentioned, but there’s so many I don’t know where to start

        • simple@lemm.ee
          5 months ago

          I’ve also been a bit out of the loop the past ~4 years, but Feed The Beast is a good place to start. There seems to be a lot of variety depending on your playstyle. Some are technology focused, some are adventure focused, some are custom gamemodes like skyblock, There’s even FTB University which is a modpack to teach you how complex mods work.