Yet such fantasies are now the common currency of politics on the American right. Remember the days when pundits solemnly declared that Trumpism was caused by economic anxiety? Well, despite a booming economy, there’s still plenty of justified anxiety out there, reflecting many people’s real struggles: America is still a nation riddled with inequality, insecurity and injustice. But the anxiety driving MAGA isn’t driven by reality. It is, instead, driven by dystopian visions unrelated to real experience.

That is, at this point, Republican political strategy depends largely on frightening voters who are personally doing relatively well not just according to official statistics but also by their own accounts, by telling them that terrible things are happening to other people.

    8 months ago

    These kind of comments, are very dangerous in politics. They are means of social control, where you can not express your opinions without being targeted as an enemy, even when you have best intentions in mind. These kind of comments are right-wing comments, exercising dominance over others (which is by definition a right-wing point of view). They are disguised as left-wing comments, fighting for social equality, but are actual means of silencing and discrediting others, simply for not agreeing with you or not allowing you to rule over them.

    It is common for fake leftists to show their true right-wing believes, as soon as you disagree with them and are a threat to their power.