Something I’ve experienced traveling around the state is that there is a palpable fear of even letting your friends know you are a Democrat, or even in line with what Democratic politicians are doing. There’s vandalism that takes place here, and people are scared of that. Having your yard sign stolen or your flag taken down is one thing, but having your car keyed or trash left in your yard, that’s another. I know people who have been harassed after they are outed as a Democrat, and then people give them trouble. People hear those stories. They’re not fake. They’re not made up. I’ve seen and heard some really ugly language.

I’m not a Dem (I’m a Leftists), but this pretty much sums it up. The Right plays dirty. They aren’t bound by any sense of decency. I’d say the only way we can beat them is to respond with our own violence (which I, personally, detest). I don’t see us beating them because they don’t believe in rules of engagement. Sorry to be so demoralizing in this post.

    8 months ago

    My own perception is that they’ll accuse you of treating them unfairly and twist or make things up anyway.

    It’s the same as in a strategy game: if you only defend, you may have a better position against the opponent, but all the battles happen in your home base and all the damage that occurs will be to your buildings and soon the opponent will control the playing field.

    I think the only way to turn this around is to, well, actually turn it around. Make it as natural as saying “hello” to dunk on conservatives. Make fun of them. Blame them for everything under the sun (and chances are you’re right). Revive the RWNJ insult (“Ring-Wing Nut Job,” used during the Occupy days). Wear t-shirts with anti-conservative slogans, go loud, that’s what I think would turn the tide.

    Those people are not in the majority, yet nobody dares to speak up, so they feel untouchable. It’s pretty telling how quickly the become butthurt and cry foul at the tiniest sign of resistance.