• hedgehog@ttrpg.network
    8 months ago

    The amount of racist white supremacist and capitalist bootlicking lies and reasoning on this page is astounding. TV Tropes are fucking crackers. Maybe edit bomb the page?

    I’ve never watched the referenced show, but I read over the TV Tropes page and I’m confused about why you think the page is full of racist / white supremacist content. It sounds like the show does, but the page itself is just a list of tropes that the show employs with a minimal amount of commentary.

    Is it a white supremacist lie to say that the show uses this trope?

    Always Lawful Good: How America, the Republican party and Falun Gong is portrayed in both here and America Uncovered.

    Is it racist to indicate that the show is racist and that it specifically uses these tropes (among others)?

    Fantastic Racism: America Uncovered and this show both use racist/sexist/homophobic jokes Played for Laughs.

    French Jerk: The stereotype is used as an example when France is brought up.

    Greedy Jew: How Jews are portrayed when mentioned. Saul Alinsky and George Soros are both portrayed this way.

    The page is critical of the CCP (e.g., see the “Truth in Television” note on the “Commie Nazis” trope), which isn’t necessarily capitalist bootlicking, as plenty of people are critical of the CCP - but otherwise it doesn’t take a stance. It doesn’t explicitly criticize the show for having racist, nationalist, conservative content, but it also doesn’t endorse it. It doesn’t criticize communism, either; it simply says that the show is anti-communist.

    What am I missing here?

    • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
      8 months ago

      Did you not read the notes? The page itself agrees with the show that China is a “totalitarian dictatorship” that acts like a “spoiled brat” that imprisons “muh Yoghurts”.

      Being critical of the CPC isn’t the problem, the reasons and purpose of the show’s and TV Tropes’ page are. TV Tropes is notorious for spewing the same ass crackkker bullshit about socialist countries and their people being brainwashed, stupid and evil.

      • hedgehog@ttrpg.network
        8 months ago

        I did, and if your complaint is just that the page insults the Chinese government, you should edit the post title to say as much. But as it is, that is not what it says. So if you stand by what you wrote, please quote three examples each of the page’s:

        • white supremacist
        • racist

        content. I would ask for just one, but you said it’s “astounding” how much of it there was, so asking for three seems appropriate.

        • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
          8 months ago

          I just gave you multiple examples in multiple, but especially one of my comments, you capitalist bootlicker. Your smarmy smugness and aloof-acting nature is hypocritical and disgusting. You are spewing racist bullshit and denying it’s racist.

        • GreatSquare@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          What is this lib shit? If they write unironically about organ harvesting, FLG and Tibet in the second paragraph of the intro, they’re a bunch of racist white edgelords.

          • hedgehog@ttrpg.network
            8 months ago

            What is this lib shit? If they write unironically about organ harvesting, FLG and Tibet in the second paragraph of the intro, they’re a bunch of racist white edgelords.

            First of all, if you think that criticizing a government for its failings is racist then, simply put, you’re wrong. Likewise re white supremacy. If the government were taking actions that were less favorable to white people and someone were criticizing those actions, then you’d have an argument, but that’s not what’s happening here.


            I’m by no means an expert but I specifically find your mention of Tibet curious - are you saying that you disagree that the Tibetans have been persecuted? Would you then argue that this wikipedia article is entirely spurious? If so I’d love if you could provide some evidence to back up that claim.

            organ harvesting

            Just reading over the Wikipedia page, I see that this is contested, but the argument that it has been happening are much stronger, and the only cited counterargument involves the demand for immunosuppressant drugs, which I would be unsurprised to learn that literally any developed nation has the capability to produce themselves.

            Why do you think this is false?


            Please, elaborate as to why you think mentioning the FLG is racist.

            • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]@hexbear.net
              8 months ago


              Tibet has historically been a part of China and is claimed by the ROC. It emerged briefly as an independent entity in the political instability in the early 20th century, along with countless little warlord states, and it never received international recognition. During the time when it was a de facto state, it was a backwards authoritarian theocracy with a caste system, serfdom, and a life expectancy of about 30. China ended these things and vastly improved the quality of life for the vast majority of Tibetans.

              There are plenty of people in the US who would say that the changes in the South following the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery constituted a destruction of the Antebellum culture. “A civilization, Gone with the Wind,” to quote the movie. The South did undergo many changes including culturally, as much of its culture was tied to the institution of slavery. If it’s true that Southern culture was so tied to slavery that freeing the slaves destroyed that culture, then I say good riddance - and if freeing the serfs destroyed Tibetan culture then I’d say the same.

              Organ harvesting

              If you actually read that article, the evidence presented is laughable.

              The authors qualified their report by noting the inherent difficulties in verifying the alleged crimes: no independent organizations are allowed to investigate conditions in China, eyewitness evidence is difficult to obtain, and official information about both organ transplantation and executions is often withheld or is contradictory. The initial report however received a mixed reception. In the US, a Congressional Research Service report by Thomas Lum stated that the Kilgour–Matas report relied largely on logical inference, without bringing forth new or independently obtained testimony; the credibility of much of the key evidence was said to be questionable.

              In other words, nobody’s actually collected any real evidence and it’s all just speculation and inference. It’s made up. Many of the people pushing the narrative have incentive to lie about China.


              Falun Gong is a far-right political group funded by the CIA with made-up religious trappings so they can cry oppression when they aren’t allowed to spread lies and bigotry with impunity. Just from the Wikipedia page on them, they oppose gay rights, feminism, and modern medicine and science and espouse QAnon and antivax conspiracy theories - this is the main source of “organ harvesting” claims btw. China Uncensored is directly affiliated with Falun Gong.

              I wouldn’t necessarily describe the TV Tropes page as white supremacist but that’s the context for that stuff, and the page is definitely missing some disclaimers and context.

              • hedgehog@ttrpg.network
                8 months ago

                Thanks for the context on Tibet. The analogy helped, too, since I have a lot more familiarity with events related to e.g., the destruction of Confederate statues. I’ll have to go back and re-read the Tropes mention and so on but it makes sense to me now why mentioning the destruction of that culture without a disclaimer would be problematic / explicitly bigoted (still not sure “racist” is the right term but even if so my opposition would be solely pedantic and I’m not trying to police word choices like that).


                I’ll be honest re the FLG - reading up on this yesterday was the first time I’d ever even heard of them. They’re not a very likable group.

                Given what you’ve shared, it makes sense to me that their claims shouldn’t be taken at face value. That said, if people who haven’t harmed anyone are being imprisoned solely because of their beliefs, regardless of how poorly informed those beliefs are - which this New York Times article discusses - then it’s fair to criticize the state for those actions.

                I still don’t see how it isn’t ignorant to hold the belief that “unironically mentioning the FLG means you’re a racist white edgelord,” when referring to someone talking about the subject matter of a show that has that subject matter, and given that as far as I can tell the imprisonment of those people is not even contested by the state.

                China Uncensored is directly affiliated with Falun Gong.

                That seems like pretty important context for the TvTropes article, and its omission is suspicious.

                Organ harvesting

                If you actually read that article, the evidence presented is laughable.

                I didn’t read the whole article, though I read the counterpoints section in its entirety. From what I did read, the lines you cited were the least compelling. Importantly, there’s an entire “Evidence” section; the bit you quoted was from the section on Verdicts and Reporting.

                Specifically, the following all have more merit IMO:

                1. The ”Verdict by the China Tribunal” subsection
                2. The rapid increase in organ transplants without attributable causes, with its timing aligned with the imprisonment of FLG practitioners.
                3. Extremely low wait times for organ transplant recipients, which suggest something suspicious is going on.
                4. There were multiple witnesses who described medical testing that strongly suggest those tests were intended to assess the health of organs rather than the person.
                5. Posing as prospective transplant recipients or brokers, investigators called hospitals, prisons, etc., and were told they had FLG organs that could be available for transplant.
                6. In Israel, several men involved in mediating organ transplants of Chinese prisoners were arrested

                You’re right that none of this is definitive, especially given the bias of many of the sources, but as a whole it is clear that something other than the official account is or was happening. I’m not fully convinced one way or the other, but the arguments were compelling enough for several major governments to speak out against it and pass laws in response. Calling the evidence laughable feels shortsighted.

                I’ve also been unable to find rebuttals to the specific evidence. As a contrast, the World Trade Center “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams so it must have been an inside job” conspiracy theories prompted government investigations and a ton of debunking articles that I can easily find via a web search. When I try to find debunkings of this, the best I can find is articles like this one, in which Chinese government officials admit that they used to harvest organs from prisoners, but state that they don’t anymore.

                With what I’ve read so far, to believe that this is made up, I basically would have to say that the evidence itself was fabricated and ignore the discrepancies in the data, assuming that there’s some reasonable explanation for them but not seeking it out. I’m not interested in engaging in willful ignorance like that.

                I can see why someone might be annoyed at an assertion of this as a fact, but to call such an assertion racist / white supremacist is nonsensical at best.

                In other words, nobody’s actually collected any real evidence and it’s all just speculation and inference. It’s made up.

                Inference involves making a conclusion by taking evidence and applying logic and reasoning. Not sure why you think that’s “made up.”

                Many of the people pushing the narrative have incentive to lie about China.

                This seems to be the case, but unfortunately the opposite - that those rebutting the narrative have incentive to lie for China - also seems to be true.

                Thanks again for all the extra info/context you’ve shared and for helping me to better understand this.


                Quotes below are from the wikipedia article - specifically the numbered list of evidence I mentioned above.


                In June 2019, the tribunal published their final judgment which unanimously concluded that crimes against humanity had been committed.[67] The tribunal’s report said “forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale and … Falun Gong practitioners have been one—and probably the main—source of organ supply.”[67] The tribunal estimated between 60,000 and 90,000 transplant operations occurred per year, much more than the official figures of 10,000 from the Chinese government.[1][68] The chair of the tribunal said “there is no evidence of the practice having been stopped and the tribunal is satisfied that it is continuing.”[68]

                Wait times:

                Researchers and medical professionals have expressed concern about the implications of the short organ transplant wait times offered by Chinese hospitals. Specifically, they say these wait times are indicative of a pool of living donors whose organs can be removed on demand.[35] This is because organs must be transplanted immediately after death, or must be taken from a living donor (kidneys must be transplanted within 24–48 hours; livers within 12 hours, and hearts within 8 hours).[90]

                Medical testing:

                One man, Wang Xiaohua, was imprisoned in a labor camp in Yunnan in 2001 when he and twenty other Falun Gong detainees were taken to a hospital. They had large quantities of blood drawn, in addition to urine samples, abdominal x-rays, and electrocardiogram. Hospital staff did not tend to physical injuries they had suffered in custody. This pattern was repeated in several other interviews.

                Hospital / prison / detention center statements:

                In one such call to a police detention center in Mishan city, an official said that they had five to eight Falun Gong practitioners under the age of 40 who were potential organ suppliers. When asked for details on the background of these individuals, the official indicated that they were male Falun Gong prisoners from rural areas.[102]

                Israel arrests:

                Israeli authorities arrested several men involved in mediating transplants of Chinese prisoners’ organs for Israelis. One of the men had stated in an undercover interview that the organs came from “people who oppose the regime, those sentenced to death and from prisoners of the Falun Gong.”[138]

                • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]@hexbear.net
                  8 months ago

                  That said, if people who haven’t harmed anyone are being imprisoned solely because of their beliefs, regardless of how poorly informed those beliefs are - which this New York Times article discusses - then it’s fair to criticize the state for those actions.

                  “Haven’t harmed anyone” - antivax conspiracy theories have led to the reemergence of all sorts of diseases, so that’s already one reason already. But moreover, allowing CIA-backed organizations to operate in a socialist country is a recipe for disaster, and there have been countless cases of leftist projects that were defeated after failing to take the necessary steps to stop the CIA from operating with impunity and installing a fascist. Look at Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran and the CIA coup in the 50’s if you want an example of what happens when you go against Western interests and refuse to crack down on foreign subversion because of your principles. Rule number 1 of good policy - you can’t do good policy if you’re not in power. If a policy results in fascists coming to power, then it’s not good policy.

                  I’m not fully convinced one way or the other, but the arguments were compelling enough for several major governments to speak out against it and pass laws in response.

                  “Several major governments” will speak out about any random bullshit that makes China look bad. They’re the ones who come up with it in the first place!

                  I’ve also been unable to find rebuttals to the specific evidence. As a contrast, the World Trade Center “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams so it must have been an inside job” conspiracy theories prompted government investigations and a ton of debunking articles that I can easily find via a web search.

                  Not exactly shocking that there’s more articles debunking a claim that makes the US government look bad than there are debunking a claim that makes the Chinese government look bad.

                  Inference involves making a conclusion by taking evidence and applying logic and reasoning. Not sure why you think that’s “made up.”

                  Now you’re just being a debatebro. Inference is a lower standard of evidence than hard proof. You obviously know this. Given the clear incentives people have to cast China in a bad light and to always assume the worst, and given a track record of made up bullshit in that regard, “inference” from these people is worth less than dogshit.

                  Let’s say I’m at work and my lunch goes missing. If I think that one of my coworkers is the type of person who might steal my lunch, then I might infer that they probably did that. But let’s say that any time anything goes wrong, or even when nothing goes wrong, I accuse that coworker of random bullshit that never turns out to be true. At what point do you start saying my so-called “inferences” about this person are just “made up?”


                  What Tribunal? What organization was involved, why are they an authority on the topic? Let’s see, the full name of that Tribunal was:

                  “The Independent Tribunal Into Forced Organ Harvesting of Prisoners of Conscience in China,” known as the China Tribunal,[66] was initiated in 2018[67] by the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China."

                  I wonder what the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China is going to determine about whether transplant abuse is happening in China? Say, who’s on this, anyway?

                  The China Tribunal was initiated by the charity ETAC, of which “a minority of its committee members are Falun Gong practitioners”.[3]

                  Who would’ve guessed?

                  One man, Wang Xiaohua, was imprisoned in a labor camp in Yunnan in 2001 when he and twenty other Falun Gong detainees

                  Another source that’s just “Falun Gong says this.”

                  Israeli authorities arrested several men involved in mediating transplants of Chinese prisoners’ organs for Israelis. One of the men had stated in an undercover interview that the organs came from “people who oppose the regime, those sentenced to death and from prisoners of the Falun Gong.”

                  Source is a book I don’t have access to.

            • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
              8 months ago

              No one said it’s racist to criticize a government, you are projecting. It is racist to make up and accuse governments of imaginary crimes, with an air of ethnic prejudice, and claim a government to be guilty of something that it isn’t guilty of, and accuse it’s people of being brainwashed slaves.

              Wikipedia is notorious for being used as a fleshlight for the CIA, despite it’s air of alleged neutrality. The site is only edited by a few hundred/dozen editors, who have a track record and openness of rewriting history to suit the needs and propaganda of the imperial capitalist north. The CIA monitors and quickly edits pages, to whitewash Amerikkkan history, downplay the achievements of socialism, and accuse countries hostile to the capitalist west of being guilty of imaginary crimes, using Operation-Mockingbird style reporting.

              You’re clearly not arguing in good faith, not that I expected that anyway.

              • hedgehog@ttrpg.network
                8 months ago

                I’m not arguing in good faith because I’ve shared where I got my information from and because I asked you to provide a source backing up your own claims? Yeah, that tracks /s

                • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
                  8 months ago

                  I provided counterpoints, and you clearly know more than your sea-lioning suggests, you claim to seem surprised at some of wikipedia’s banal and weak and soft-footed criticisms of your racist neoliberal arguments, which means you are lying, since I would expect a raging capitalist drone and sinophobe to know the counterarguments to your “arguments” better than that, or you pathetically easy to manipulate into believing nonsense by capitalist news media.

                  Anything I point you to, even occasional pieces from the same neoliberal sources, you dismiss out of hand. I’m not your fucking mother.

            • GreatSquare@lemmygrad.ml
              8 months ago

              Fuck your ignorance and wikipedia. You wouldn’t know shit about Tibet or give a fuck.

              Bullshit white supremacists dog whistle their asshole attitudes towards colored people by characterizing the “bad” countries as dangerous uncivilized inhumane societies. They always claim it’s only the government being criticized. Doesn’t take much for a racist to slip up and shit on the entire population: the slightest 30 sec tiktok vid will set them off.

              Whatever. Enjoy your racist tropes.

          • parpol@programming.dev
            8 months ago

            “If you dare write about <insert thing that undenyingly happened> you are racist”.

            Soon you’ll say nothing particular happened in Tiananmen Square either.

            • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
              8 months ago

              You’re strawmanning, but if you must know, what happened in Tiny-Man Square was a coup-attempt that cost hundreds of lives of civilians after some violent gang members and misled protestors began to attack and stab and burn and shoot unarmed peacekeepers, and the police and military were called in to evacuate civilians, and even the goddamn New York Times admitted mere days after the fact that no massacre occurred inside the square, it wasn’t the police or military who started the fighting, the violence happened in surrounding streets, and that the tanks were rolling back to the square instead of going to it.

              It’s not fundamentally racist to insist the Tiananmen Square massacre happened, even though it’s 90 percent horseshit, but it is racist to use it as proof that Chinese people are brainwashed mindless drones because of it.

            • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
              8 months ago

              It’s undeniable that China rescued Tibet from feudal pedophiliac slave-owning landlords, and it’s also undeniable that Falun Gong claimed that their organs are being harvested, despite no proof whatsoever, that numerous independent and foreign doctors testified couldn’t have occurred in the manner as described, and it’s undeniable that you believe everything you read instead of checking your sources and interrogating potential bias and and blindly accepting what the U.S. government-owned western news media tells you to believe.

    • parpol@programming.dev
      8 months ago

      Op is either a Chinese bot account or paid propagandist. We all hate late stage capitalism, but OP is trying to redirect that hate into censoring criticism of the Chinese Communist Party.

      • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
        8 months ago

        Dehumanizing those critical of capitalist media lies and nonsense. “Everyone I don’t like is paid for!”

        I didn’t realize that we had capitalist bootlickers like you here. You aren’t a critic of capitalism if you slander and demean China, one of the strongest and only alternatives. I didn’t realize that latestagecapitalism was infested by neoliberal cracker nutcases from lemmy.world

        • parpol@programming.dev
          8 months ago

          “Maybe edit bomb the page?” Is what gives it away. You’re trying (and failing) to neoturf and mobilize, while presenting zero proof of anything you claim they do.

          The fact that you then label me a neoliberal, assume my race is white, and come from lemmy.world (all wrong) further proves that you only have ill intentions.

          • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
            8 months ago

            The proof is in their words, specifically their lies and accusations.

            If the boot fits. You literally post in other lemmy.world affiliated instances.

            It’s like if TV Tropes had a page where they agreed with Fox News that Jewish people are evil, and if I pointed out how racist and stupid and wrong that is, and how it needs to be edited, you crackkker neoliberals would say “you must have ill intentions!”

            Keep your projections to yourself. It’s not ill intentions to stand up to racist neoliberal nonsense. Only a racist would say that. And furthermore, I never specified that you are white, though I’m 99 percent sure you are, to be a capitalist supporter, and based off you downplaying racism and reality. Crackerism is a mindset, not a race.

              • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
                8 months ago

                I guess I need to fucking spell it out for you simpletons. The show and tv tropes argue that China is a totalitarian dictatorship and that Chinese people are too stupid, greedy, or evil to understand it, or are all brainwashed zombies with no free will, intelligence, human spirit, drive or individuality, nevermind the fact that totalitarianism is an idea propogated by neoliberals to falsely equivocate socialism with fascism, and that brainwashing itself is a racist caricature of a very real but popularly dramatized process applied in completely different contexts.

                The TV Tropes page endorses almost all of the tropes of the show as being real, despite them being based on racism, lies, and debunked nonsense, such as the lie that China is imprisoning 10 trillion Ughyurs, despite the mountain of evidence contrary, like the fact that multiple organizations of Arabic/Islamic majority countries decry these allegations and support China’s alternate means of fighting terrorism by educating, deradicalizing and setting up therapeutic training centers and schools, enshrining the rights of Ughyur muslims and other ethnic and cultural minorities into law, documenting the experiences off Ughyur muslims that were saved by anti-poverty and anti-terrorism campaigns, and how most of these facilities are now shut down because China is conquering the issue of separatism peacefully rather than bombing civilians, China is hosting traditional Ughyur muslim ceremonies and festivities, protecting cultural artifacts in museums and textbooks, seeking approval and cooperation with Ughyur elders, mandating that Ughyur officials be part of official political bodies, and up until recently being very lax about child number limits for the Xinjiang Ughyur Autonomous Region, and the fact that the original sources for these genocide claims all date back to a sham study conducted by U.S. and Australian-financed “researchers” that only interviewed 64 people with little regard to methodology or sample size, using very leading questions, all relying on completely false allegations from a known Nazi-sympathizing German anti-semite christofascist named Adrian Zenz, and right-wing cults like Falun Gong and the ETIM that were funded by the exact same CIA cutouts that financed Ughyur muslim separatist supremacist terrorist groups all the way back to the 1960’s that eventually joined up with the Taliban and attacked China in the 1980’s-early 2010’s.

                I’m sure you’ll dismiss all of this as propaganda, even though even the U.S. government publically admitted it couldn’t find enough actual proof to confirm China of having Ughyur concentration camps, instead of deradicalization and vocational and alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation centers.

          • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
            8 months ago

            The page literally says that it agrees with the show, or “muh truth in television” that those who do business with the Communist Party of China never learn, even though by and large the CPC acts with intelligence, reason, forgives hundreds of billions of dollars in loans, is open to extended negotiations and has longer payback times and less interest than “loans” from capitalist nations.

      • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
        8 months ago

        Shut the fuck up crakkker. It’s not criticism, it’s blind lies and hatred. God forbid that someone stand up to racist propaganda. I guess MLK. Jr. was a Soviet agent then.

      • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
        8 months ago

        It’s not censorship to criticize slander. It’s not like I’m zipping their mouths shut, which would still be pretty nice anyway. I can’t “censor” anything I don’t have official control of.

      • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        It’s OK. This isn’t a nazi-controlled community, you don’t have to cloak yourself in plausibly deniable liberalism. You’re not going to get banned.

        • parpol@programming.dev
          8 months ago

          I had a similar conversation with someone on hexbear and they not only banned me, they blocked my entire instance.

          • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
            8 months ago

            Maybe it’s because you carry an air of neo-fascism around you, that might be a good thing to get checked. Also last time I checked programmingdev got defedded because their instance owner was publicly dying on the hill of transphobic hate. It’s beyond reasonable that any trans-positive instance wouldn’t want to have to engage with that kind of garbage.

            • parpol@programming.dev
              8 months ago

              Guess who benefit the most from people watering down the terms Nazi and fascist.

              You saw someone calling out a literal CCP shill, and immediately thought “he is fascist”.

              “Trans-positive” I’m sure trans-people live very happy lives in Russia and China. No forced conversion therapy or threats of violence anywhere .

              • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
                8 months ago

                people watering down the terms Nazi and fascist.

                Literal nazi talking point. Apologize now or block & report. I won’t tolerate that shit and neither will the mods.

                • parpol@programming.dev
                  8 months ago

                  Watering down terms is a real thing, and you’re doing it. Now either own up to the fact that by doing so, you are helping nazis become accepted to society, or go cry to your mods and hide your ass behind a block, and pretend nothing happened.

                  I am neither associated with nor tolerate any form of fascism whatsoever, and you’re trying your damn hardest to associate me with it because you are incapable of imagining that maybe you can be anti-fascist and anti-authoritarian at the same time.

                  “Apologize now or block & report” is the biggest manchild comment I’ve ever heard on Lemmy, lmao.

                • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
                  8 months ago

                  I dislike your racism but I give you a modicrum of respect for having a shred of decency to not tolerate transphobia. Edit: Sorry, I thought you were talking to me, not parapol. I thought you were on his side.

              • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.mlOP
                8 months ago

                Jesus fucking christ, you goddamn racist pricks never call the Chinese government by it’s proper name, and it arguably pisses me off more than your racism at this point, it’s called the CPC, not CCP. The CCP hasn’t existed for decades. Despite the Chinese translated name, in English it’s called the CPC. No amount of wishy-washy dick stroking will make the CPC the CCP.

                A literal CCP shill? As opposed to a figurative one?

                Finally, go fuck yourself. Even if I wasn’t supportive of the CPC, you’re 99 percent a white supremacist neoliberal capitalist bootlicker that thinks you better than the 1.4 billion Chinese citizens that overwhelmingly support their government and state of affairs, which is shown in numerous scientific studies and polls of different sources, all reaching similar approval ratings, so “they are all cowards or evil or brainwashed zombies” can be ruled out. Fundamentally wanting the CPC to be overthrown is racist, given that you want to dismantle what the over 90-ish percent of Chinese citizens like and support. But putting that argument aside, I don’t shill for anyone. Your brain is rotted from being spoonfed by capitalist white supremacist neoliberal media all your life. You claim to be anti-capitalist in your words, yet you don’t have an ounce of humility or reflection in your actions or attitude. You aren’t “calling out” anyway, you are being a racist capitalist douchebag.

                China is light years ahead of other neighboring countries in regards to trans rights, you would know that if instead of believing whatever Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Breitbart, the Drudge Report tell you to think.

  • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    8 months ago

    Already made my stance on this

    every online information space staffed by english muffins will be razed and vandalized by the third world

    every fake place name, flora name, animal that was artificially given within the last 200 years will be returned to its historical one
    wiggapedia will be full of articles like “Manul” and “Kalpasi” and “Pippali” instead of “Sir waddlington’s cat” and “Xenophylopodotropestrum springmorphidappalixyliae”

    every fake CIA/FBI/wignat current events/historical narrative will be de-tunnelvisioned, and rightfully compared with other (usually larger) atrocities. The fake math they use (victims of communism calculations) will also be revealed, and we will not let people forget that they used it.

    the entire english language will be decolonized, it won’t matter how many cracker tears there are

    THE FIREWALL (of english non-fluency) IS FOR THEIR PROTECTION