This is not me saying at all that Trump is better than Biden; it’s more of an equalization argument that I truthfully can’t see a fiscal difference.

It’s been well known by people like us that the two bourgeois parties are basically the same, but I never really understood how close they were until the last like, 6 months.

Maybe it’s JUST Biden that’s super similar. But regardless, I just don’t see the difference. He spews nice words about trans rights, workers, all of these good things. But the exact same shit that happened under Trump basically happened under Biden. Funding for genocidal states, proxy war funding, funding police, loss of abortion federal protection, separation of kids and parents at the border, etc.

People keep saying Biden is marginally better, where?

I don’t know. I can’t bring myself to vote for any of these guys this time around.

    8 months ago

    Counter-point, if it was a genuine vanguard party, they’d absolutely sew these lies about it. In fact I doubt there’s a party out there that doesn’t have someone claiming they’re feds/CIA on substack.

    I’m not going to read all of that. If you make these really inflammatory, wrecker claims, you can provide some context.

    Question. Are any of the top members of PSL alleged in this (with any kind of proof) to be current/former CIA/FBI or directly compromised or is it all just “these anti-war/anti-imperialist people are associating with and working with former CIA” which is a meaningless charge as the job of anti-imperialist means having strange bedfellows. Which is what I saw trying to briefly skim it in 90 seconds.

    I don’t give a fuck that ANSWER works with war criminals or CIA or anti-communists or uses them as expert witnesses as the job of a broad coalition like that is to sway liberal normie people. Fact: former intelligence agents and other ghouls are often incredibly narcissistic and take slights like government going with the other guy’s plan extremely personally to the point of embarking on campaigns of shitting on them and not caring who they’re with. This is not a sign of compromise, it is a sign of dedication to the mission and not being an ultra loser whose purity testing wrecks any chance of material positive outcomes.