Edit: I want to say that if certain people weren’t dead set on trolling I would have engaged in the argument that the US is already authoritarian. I’m inclined to fully agree. The constitution was written by wealthy whites wanting to preserve their own power. They did sprinkle in some democracy and we do thank them for that. All this to say, that was never my contention.

Conventionally ideology is measured on a spectrum. If being moderately authoritian offends you, move the fuck left.

  • HenchmanNumber3@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Oh no, an angry troll wielding the power of nonsense! This is the most boring souls-like game I’ve ever played.

    • wall_inhabiter@lemdro.id
      5 months ago

      This isn’t a video game, you have a vocabulary of terms to justify sinking into delusion instead of processing unfamiliar ideas. It doesn’t take any anger or energy in particular to respond online.

      You’re all blustering because you’re too stupid to actually read what I posted in the article. That doesn’t bother me. Look at all of you bellowing about how I’m evil and whatnot. You’re perturbed beyond belief that I don’t care that you got all worked up over my statements.

      • HenchmanNumber3@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Ooh, a rant! “No seriously, guys, I don’t care what you think! I’ll keep telling you just to make sure you understand! I’ll respond again just to make sure!”

        • wall_inhabiter@lemdro.id
          5 months ago

          Not even pretending that your goal is anything but to just make other people online angry, motherfucker, who cares about who cares about who thinks what? I’m here to talk about the actual subject at hand, the article I posted here related to what OP said. You are here for petty online arguments that’s why you’re never gonna achieve anything like I have in my life that’s why I don’t seek validation from fucking people online or try to turn discussions into arguments about who is!

          you’re still wondering why an actually unpopular opinion was posted in this community. I find it quite amusing overall

          • HenchmanNumber3@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            You’re really killing it here. Put me in my place. I’m jealous of a rando on the Internet who thinks his life is so good that he has to tell other people that they’re jealous.

            I’m just here wasting the time of a troll and letting him spin out in rants and non sequiturs. Keep going. I’m sure you’ll convince us you don’t care with more effort.

            • wall_inhabiter@lemdro.id
              5 months ago

              You showed up to scold me about forum rules and behavior and now you are admitting you are here to waste my time.

              It is impossible for you to get out of the mindset of being a little monkey dancing for upvotes and reiterating your musings on forum rules.

              I posted an unpopular opinion related to what OP said and you all proceeded to bitch and moan at me for hours and hours on end.

              Fact is it does not take any of my time to respond to these, that for you writing is a chore is embarrassing.

              Nothing that any of you think matters flat out that is a fact not up for discussion. You can keep reiterating in a sarcastic voice “oh yeah, what I’m saying doesn’t matter to you at all” but that’s missing the point.

              The only purpose of online spaces is to gain information. You don’t have friends on here, you’re on reddit being stupid. You’re dying every second I am out here making money off of being able to write and think faster than you lmao. Have fun at taco bell

              • HenchmanNumber3@lemm.ee
                5 months ago

                I didn’t say anything about forum rules. Upvotes are irrelevant. And yes, I’m wasting your time, apparently quite successfully, and with your apparent eagerness too. Keep wasting your time. Keep writing like a middle school kid bragging about how his dad can beat up someone else’s dad. I’m sure you’ll get that jealousy and respect you think you deserve. I’ll just be here dying every second.

                • wall_inhabiter@lemdro.id
                  5 months ago

                  Yes you did lmao you started off with Sealioning, an extremely online declaration of how trolling is evil and disruptive to the website. You don’t think this is funny at all, you just think that’s the winning move in your forum game lmao.

                  Again, I use the internet to engage in tit for tat information exchanges, I am not here for respect. I get that in my own life, not on unpopularopinion complaining about my ex wife like you people. This place is a zoo, and when I leave you will stay behind the bars.

                  • HenchmanNumber3@lemm.ee
                    5 months ago

                    Is sealioning mentioned in the rules? I hadn’t checked.

                    I think this is hilarious. I’m talking to someone who acts like a kid who thinks they just invented being obnoxious on the internet.

                    If you don’t want respect then you’re terrible at acting like it. People who don’t care what others think don’t brag anonymously and call randos jealous when they don’t know anything concrete about you to be jealous of other than your weak trolling.

                    I’m guessing if you have an ex-wife, she probably complains about you. This is literally the first time I’ve commented in this community but you think I’m a regular. You’re great at reading people. Keep it up! You’ll get there someday…maybe…

        • wall_inhabiter@lemdro.id
          5 months ago

          It would render everything you silly people struggling over American politics say and do even more meaningless if I were right, that’s why you go into combat mode lmao (it is, because I am)