Point #1:

The single biggest argument that moon landing believers bring out against moon landing deniers is that it would be too much of a secret to keep hidden for all these years.

To fake a moon landing, you’d need 400,000 conspirators

My reply to that is that we already have historical proof that keeping a large scale secret is possible. We did this already with the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project employed nearly 130,000 people at its peak. That was kept secret.

Someone is going to point out that 400,000 is more than 130,000 and the length of time is longer. The length of time is longer because we dropped the bombs on Japan and let the secrets out. Also, anytime you do something you gain experience. The government gained experience with the secrecy regarding the Manhattan Project and then expanded upon it with the moon landing.

Point #2:

There has never been a single spot on the Earth that we have explored and then walked away from to never return. North Pole, South Pole, Marianas Trench…when we discover something we return. We landed on the Moon 55 years ago, supposedly did a few more landings until 1972, and then never went back. That’s after 52 years of technological improvements. It’s absurd! Imagine if someone told you that Europeans never went back to the New World after Columbus.

We should have the Moon setup like it was in the Sam Rockwell movie: Moon by now.


I believe the moon landing was faked.

I like the Kubrick conspiracy

This is posted in Unpopular Opinion, not Unpopular Facts. My belief is just an opinion and I have no proof, therefore it is not a fact.

  • paysrenttobirds@sh.itjust.works
    7 months ago

    You cannot compare this in any way to Columbus. Going to the moon is not like floating down a current across an ocean that’s been crossable for humans for thousands of years. The moon itself is not a land of largely untapped resources. There is very little reward for a very extreme venture.

    What this conspiracy means to me is that 50 years ago the public discourse of this country was controlled by educated people who knew what science and engineering was capable of, and for better and worse that is no longer the case and people don’t even believe in intelligence anymore. This is also just my opinion with no proof and badly written.