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    7 months ago

    Holy shit, a Christian who actually stidies the Bible… You’re basically a unicorn.

    Romans 2:14;15 is my favorite thing to point out to the you’re going to hell because you’re not a Christian crowd. So baby of them like to preach that God is all loving and good and then are so quick to point out that because they pay lip service to their faith that they get to go to heaven and everyone else goes to hell despite them being obviously terrible people.

    I like to think there are a lot more like you and your type just tends to be the silent majority because it let’s me keep some faith in humanity…

      7 months ago

      I’ve really wanted a reformation for a long time, and that other yahoo replying to you really illustrates why.

      There are far too many who call themselves Christian that actively spread hate for the people that Jesus spoke most in compassion about, the poor and sick, the criminal and foreigner.

      If more people actually read the Bible, as you point out how few there are, then maybe that change could get started.

      Have the best week!