The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine
A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi

A landmark history of one hundred years of war waged against the Palestinians from the foremost US historian of the Middle East, told through pivotal events and family history.


  • Vicenç
    7 months ago

    @ymishory @appassionato @bookstodon @palestine [jo també utilitzo un traductor, hi ha força llengües al món més enllà de les hegemòniques (ergo: colonialistes)]

    Per remarcar un detall de la teva aportació: els palestins són semites. No sé a què treu cap parlar d’antisemitisme pel què està succeint pròpiament a #Palestina.

    Per cert, aviat no quedaran masses palestins, simplement per inanició, i no caldrà fer compendre al món tanta complexitat. Aviat serem més feliços, oi?

    • Yuval
      7 months ago

      @vmateusimeon @appassionato @bookstodon @palestine

      In 19th century Europe, antisemitism manifested mainly in the persecution of Jews. If Arabs lived there, I’m sure they would’ve suffered the same fate as their Semite brothers.

      AFAIK there were almost 2 million Israeli-Arabs and nearly 3 million Palestinians living in the west bank, so they’re not going anywhere soon.

      Personally, it brings me no joy when another human suffers, and I pray that the endless violence will cease ASAP 🙏