• TaintPuncher@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Diagnosed at 25, Tis hella lame. There are days that I genuinely wanna cut my right big toe off because it hurts so much.

    It’s not hopeless though. I started eating healthy, taking glucosamine and cod liver oil, vitamin supplements, drinking plenty of water and the pain has decreased a LOT. Inflammation is a removed and avoiding foods and drinks that aggravate it seems to help a lot, at least for me. It’s not an overnight thing but a couple months down the road, you might go “Huh, I’ve not been as shitty and depressed lately. Oh, I’ve not been in agony as much!”.

    Just my experience, may be worth a go, can’t hurt! Not more than it currently does anyway, haha. Oh, get comfy-ass shoes too. Got me some Nike airs for going out and I would die without them! OH, and check out a 5 minute morning stretch routine. I thought yoga was bull until I was in so much pain I’d try anything and it really did help, just in general with back pain and stuff.

    Good luck, try to stay positive and manage the pain the best you can. Find what works for you and things will get better :)

    • EtherWhack@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I’m sorta similar to you, but it’s OA (from movement disorder) in my left toe and had it since elementary. It’s progressed so much after 20+ years that the knuckle doubled in size and the joint dislocated itself.

      For me unfortunately, it’s too far gone for stretches, diet or any other home-based remedy to work. The options on the table now would be regular cortisone shots (helps, but only temporary), joint replacement (issue prone w/ short lifespan), and a complete fusion of the joint. Right now I’m decided on fusion, I just need to work out the logistics and schedule it.

      For anyone else in a similar boat, don’t ignore/put it off and please try to get help for it before you get stuck with surgery as the only option.

      • CeruleanRuin@lemmings.world
        1 year ago

        But also of you are at that point, don’t put off the surgery. I know a couple of people whose lives were transformed by joint replacements.

    • CeruleanRuin@lemmings.world
      1 year ago

      Once you hit a certain age it really is astonishing how impactful a simple dietary change can be.

      Make a mental note of what you’ve been eating and your mood and physical state, or take it a step further and keep a food journal, and you’d quickly notice things like how reducing alcohol intake just a little bit improves your sleep, cutting out some sugar reduces headaches, eating cinnamon reduces general joint pain, etc.

      I find myself craving salads and fresh vegetables almost as much as I crave sweets these days. And I love a good IPA, but goddamn do the hops give me some serious acid reflux at night. I’ve yet to eliminate anything completely from my diet, but some things like that have become a rare indulgence only.