So I was just doing a bit of research about some science advancements in graphene processors, as I heard about it in a segment about China’s recent research breakthroughs. I did some googling and found… let’s say a slightly biased perspective (Just kidding, it’s straight up propaganda)

So this is the research paper:

Notice how there are 12 researchers from Tianjin University in China, also notice how there are 3 researchers from Georgia Tech, this includes one american author who co-founded this research center with person in china. So this is a joint effort. He’s actually listed as also being a part of Tianjin University, so I guess 13 to 3 people in each respective university (one person double counted).

If you google for “graphene seg semiconductors” you get:

  • Georgia techs website first, okay.
  • A couple links to the article on arxiv and nature, cool,

And then, a bunch of news articles:

Well damn, with 13 out of the 15 researchers having affiliation with the lab in China, you would think that someone would emphasize that this research was done… In China? Not just “helped” by China, not just “assisted by”, but like, most of the research was done there. On paper this was a partnership, but most sites won’t even go that far. Georgia Tech did this/that/was awesome/yay america, oh and some place in China was involved too, only sometimes mentioned.

My god, it’s as if Usonians just can’t swallow the fact that China has scientists… and researchers… and like, smart people. As a Usonian who is breaking out of my media bubble, it’s crazy to me to see how fucking biased our “neutral” sources of information are. Wikipedia hasn’t been updated with this info yet, but I bet it will mark down all the awesome work Georgia tech did while only mentioning in passing that some place in China was also involved.

I’m not even gonna bother posting this to a lib space like reddit. The copium would be too much for me to handle. The only thing I can think about is if the tables were turned, no lib would have a problem calling out “CCP propaganda” after the first sentence of the article claimed “Tianjin University in China does breakthrough research on graphene processors!”

    8 months ago

    The according to a college professor in the international development department, racist white people in authority of transnational organizations often write fake claims that the the work from people of color are the work of white people unless there is explicit written claim in the intellectual property that the work comes from the people of color. Also, the racist white free riders in British diaspora justify cheating, thief, violence, planned poverty, chemical attacks, authoritarianism, and other human right violations against Indigenous people under the lie that the Indigenous people had never been productive which negate the free humanitarian aids that allow the great plagiarizer Christopher Columbus to survive his first voyage to America, economy of gift-giving that allow the survival of European immigrant communities in North America, democracy that the USA copied from the Six Civilized tribes, and sharing of land with rich resource with outsiders like the European immigrants which allow the European immigrants to think that they can rob every land from First Nations under the delusion that Native Americans do not own land. There is also the Indian Residential fake school death camps from 1850s that contunues in secret after 1998 that provided free child labor, free stuff from children allowance money, free inheritance thief of children who did not ‘follow’ their ancestral ‘tradition’, free human child experimentations for improvement to health services like the food guide for healthy diet, and opportunity for racist white pedophile, racist white molesters, racist white rapists, racist white murderers, and dangerous sociopaths to be promoted into high position of society through their war crimes in the fake school death camps.