As hospitals across Alabama pause IVF treatments, Nikki Haley is suddenly trying to claim she never said what she said.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is frantically trying to quell the controversy over comments she made about IVF after an Alabama court’s recent ruling that frozen embryos are children.

“We don’t want fertility treatment to shut down, we don’t want them to stop doing IVF treatment, we don’t want them to stop doing artificial insemination,” Haley said on CNN on Thursday. “But I think this needs to be decided by the people in every state. Don’t take away the rights of these physicians and these parents to have these conversations.”

It was Haley’s second such attempt to explain away her controversial stance on the issue. On Wednesday evening, Haley blurted out a much more gibberish response.

“Well first off all, this is, again, I didn’t say that I agreed with the Alabama ruling. The question that I was asked is ‘do I believe an embryo is a baby?’” Haley said on CNN Wednesday evening. “I do think that if you look in the definition, an embryo is considered an unborn baby. And so yes, I believe, from my stance, that that is.”

But calling an embryo—the stage before the microscopic cellular mass is labeled a fetus—an unborn baby is not exactly correct.

    7 months ago

    I take some weird, unsettling solace in the fact that IVF and birth control are likely going to be the next major unpredicted backfires for conservatives. They’ve grown so accustomed to going after “them”, and what “they” need, and it’s usually so mutually exclusive with what “we” want and need, that there’s very little risk in pushing their culture wars into the medical realm. But with IVF and birth control you’re suddenly going to see stories plastered all over the media of the impact this is having on “good, traditional, conservative women”. My brother in law (very conservative) just underwent 5+ years of IVF treatments and finally got 2 girls out of the procedure. He’s absolutely ecstatic, and months ago my wife warned him that IVF is under threat in a a post-Roe world. He told her she was being ridiculous and hyperbolic. I haven’t spoken to him since the Alabama ruling, but I hope he’s fucking terrified, both for his wife and his daughters.

    Until this directly impacts them and the people they love, they won’t give a single, solitary fuck. So I say, let it. Let it get so bad that they start eating their own. In the meantime, I’ll be lurking in the corner with an “I told you so” smirk on my face.

    Fuck. Them. We tried to warn them, and they didn’t listen. So fuck 'em.

      7 months ago

      I’d normally be ok with this, but the problem is the “I told you so” smirk doesn’t stop them from fucking up your life as well.

          7 months ago

          Ah, the “doesn’t affect me right now, don’t care if it fucks over other people” theory. Or better said the “I only care when it affects me” theory. I understand now.

            7 months ago

            Look chief, I hate that you’ve made it this far with such awful reading skills, and I’m real sorry your teachers failed at preparing you for the adult world. I’ve been at the forefront of this issue my entire life, and I’ve spent countless hours lobbying, rallying, protesting, and advocating. I’m deeply passionate about this issue, and it horrifies me where we currently are, and the world that little girls are growing up into.

            But like I said if you’d gotten your head out of your fucking ass long enough to read what I actually wrote, I’m past the point of caring about the people cheering for this, and I’m morbidly fascinated by the blowback they’re about to create.

            When I say, “We tried to warn them, and they didn’t listen”, I’m very clearly talking about conservatives who are cheering this bullshit on, not the women and girls who are still fighting a bloody, uphill battle to reclaim some semblance of dignity and medical autonomy. So you can shove your self righteousness in through your pee hole, because you’re finger wagging at the wrong motherfucker. Moron.

              7 months ago

              I’ve had a vasectomy and don’t have any children, so it won’t affect my life at all, fortunately.

              This is where people are taking issue with your comment. Because you’re guilty of the same attitude that you’re criticizing.

              As much as I want them to find out after all the fucking around they’ve done, we’ll all be suffering right alongside them because not all of us are as privileged as you.

                7 months ago

                Oh fuck off. This is what they said:

                the “I told you so” smirk doesn’t stop them from fucking up your life as well.

                It literally won’t fuck my life up, because it physically can’t, but that doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with privilege. I paid $1000 that I didn’t have for a surgery that would eliminate the risk for me, because I fear the world we live in and I knew it’d be cheaper than a child. Just because I’m now fertile doesn’t mean I don’t hate this for millions of women. You’re jumping the fuck down my throat for saying something I didn’t say, when I directly responded to an accusation that’s not true. It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with whether or not I care, and you damn well know that. It’d be the same situation if I were 80 years old. Stop hyperventilating about an off the cuff turn of phrase. I’m quite literally on your side here. Jesus fucking Christ y’all.

      7 months ago

      Nah he already got his kids so he won’t care any more. The next couple doing ivf are evil.

      Look, Haley showed how the thought process works in the posted article.

        7 months ago

        “I was tricked by doctors into getting exactly what I wanted! How was I supposed to know?”


        “I should be in charge of everything!”