I’m done, I’ve been banned for expressing a different opinion (without insulting or personally attacking anyone), I’ve been accused of evading a ban with multiple accounts (this is my only account I’ve ever had on any lemmy instance), I’ve had people selectively ignore my comments and accuse me of things which I never said, and I’ve had people ignore valid criticisms and keep attacking me.

Reddit has many issues with trolls, one-sided discussion, and just general bullshit, but many Lemmy instances are way worse. The newfound freedom of Lemmy has attracted many extremists, from both sides, and many of them are moderators, who are more than happy to remove any contrarian opinions. This results in discussions being echo chambers

  • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I think something one might learn over time from different sites styled like reddit and lemmy is that they are not monoliths,

    There is a comment above that says the same thing, but in practice, think about it like, any give post attracts both people that agree, and disagree with it, generally strongly. The vast majority don’t engage with it.

    Because of this the opinions seem both stronger, and more common. But realize that any given comment thread is a microscopic percent of even the highly active users, and always a biased sample.

    With regards to echo chambers, this is why I personally oppose blocklists or how on reddit you can make something ‘private’. Pretending something that is problematic doesn’t exist does nothing to deal with the problem. I see this as fundamentally how r/TheDonald came to be, and reedit was fundamental in building the modern white nationalist movement. Through blocking and going private, r/TheDonald shielded itself from outside criticism, so that users didn’t see alternative view points, and specifically, were protected from open mockery. Originally the sub started as a troll/ joke but quickly became the defacto headquarters of the largest funnel for white nationalism the internet has ever seen. It might seem a bit over the top, but I argue that Trumps 2016 success would not have happened with out specifically r/TheDonald. Its why all of the ‘truth social’ and extended media took on a reddit style interactivity. It was the birthplace of the MAGA movement online. They morphed it into a self referential echo chamber, and used purity testing to filter out potential critics. Eventually it was banned entirely, but not until long after the damage was done.

    So I don’t agree that ideas should be shielded from criticism. The problem with that is without criticisms, they can take hold, and grow legs of their own. But at the same time, you shouldn’t make too much of things when you see a strong binary online, because almost any internet discussion will be inherently polar (because only those who agree disagree with a principal or idea will be drawn to discuss it; 95% of everyone else just doesnt care).

    • Lifecoach5000@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      This isthe take I agree with. I actually wish I could find more right leaning instances/communities on Lemmy - not because I agree with them or want to argue online, I just want to keep an eye on their discourse.

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I get your frustration. I’ve seen a few of your posts around, and seen some people harp on you because of what they perceive to be your politics. I personally haven’t delved into your posting history, but (take this with a grain of salt) you may need to develop a thicker skin online.

    People feel more empowered to say what they feel online - just like you’ve been doing. It’s easy and you are fairly shielded with your online identity. Mods and admins have this privilege as well, and fair or not, you do have to abide by their rules or leave.

    Sometimes that’s a hard pill to swallow. Nobody likes to accept defeat; especially when they feel passionately about something.

    Good luck with whichever direction turn you choose to go.

  • tygerprints@kbin.social
    4 months ago

    You’re going to find that true almost anywhere online nowadays. I got sick on my birthday last year, and i posted on facebook that I hated being sick on my birthday. So facebook banned me for posting “hate speech.” (I’m not even kidding).

    And I got banned from Reddit for suggesting that younger generations are more progressive in their views. THAT was apparently the wrong thing to say. I’m not sure why it was so controversial - but it sure pressed someone’s button.

  • OpenStars@startrek.website
    4 months ago

    There is one MAJOR difference: here you can make not only your own sub/community, where you can be your own mod, but you can spin up your own whole entire instance, and become your own admin. Oh Reddit, you serve The Man (spez) or you can GTFO - so we did the latter:-P (some perhaps due to being kicked out of their former mod role bc of the protests) - but here, nobody can tell us what to do, in the end.

    Ofc there are limits even there, like someone can defederate from you if you refuse to control yourself, even unintentionally like if you don’t follow basic security and constantly get hacked.

    It’s like being able to own your own home. When you visit a community on someone else’s instance, you are their GUEST, and you have to follow THEIR rules. The homeowner owns the community while the mayor or governor or President or Prime Minister or whatever controls the entire city / state / country or in this case “instance”. Right or wrong, it’s THEIRS, so your options are limited - you don’t get to just walk into someone else’s HOME and tell them what to do!?

    But here, unlike Reddit, on your own personal computer (desktop machine even, doesn’t need a whole “server”) you can make your own place. From there, you could invite others… or not, as you choose. Inside your own home, unless you do something that may cause the police (like FBI) to come knocking, you control yourself, and also you have the responsibility and right to kick off anyone you choose who refuses to play by the rules that YOU set forth.

    So do whatever you want. Ofc others have the same freedom too.

  • Demigod787@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    2 months ago I had my main Reddit account banned because I reported someone for inciting violence. They literally said word for word “they should just go into Gaza and kill them all, women, children, all deserve death after today.” I reported him and went on about my day only to find that I was permanently banned from Reddit, no appeals work and this on r/WorldNews not some weird niche subreddit.

    • RunawayFixer@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      This does not surprise me one bit from r worldnews. When I last used that sub (2021? Not sure actually), mod abuse was already rampant and correcting popular blatant misinformation, would get you voted down massively, even when you provided a solid source and explanation. A truly rotten sub. Animetitties (seriously) was a far better sub for following and discussing world news. At a certain point, there will have been no active mods with any integrity left in r worldnews and I suspect that that point was years ago. The whole reddit moderation system does seem fundamentally flawed, which was especially noticeable in the default subs.

  • Xtallll@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    4 months ago

    I started paying attention to usernames and noticed that there are only ever 3 or 4 accounts carrying on in the comments about anything, they just go at it like it’s their job.

  • Rottcodd@kbin.social
    4 months ago

    I don’t think it’s worse, but that’s only because, as far as responses from trolls and bad faith actors go, I’d rather get screeds from lunatic extremists than pseudo-leftist establishment dogma boiled down to little pieces of emotive rhetoric that are just mindlessly regurgitated over and over by bots and humans-who-might-as-well-be-bots.

    • TakiMinase@slrpnk.net
      4 months ago

      I’m sure I’ve witnessed bots arguing with each other. I’ve also noticed “users” that keep arguing semantics in a questioning format. I find throwing some local colloquialisms screws them up.

      • roguetrick@kbin.social
        4 months ago

        Don’t worry friend, humans are more than capable of copy and pasting answers at each other. Instead of kids playing house, we just play asshole on the internet.

  • mightyfoolish@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Every topic has an opinion where the majority of people share that opinion. If you go against that opinion on reddit, you go to a niche sub or accept being drowned out. Here, due to the smaller population, there isn’t a viable way to maintain niche subs. That means we have to see each other’s opinions, thus you see arguments from polar opposites… Echo chambers?

    • Lad@reddthat.com
      4 months ago

      Yeah if you’re complaining about “extremists from both sides” surely that’s a sign that you’re NOT in an echo chamber and are seeing lots of different opinions.

  • Dead_or_Alive@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I agree, it is impossible to hold a contrarian view in a lot of subs. The mods and the user base on Lemmy have a very narrow range of their views than the spectrum that you find on Reddit. It is basically an echo chamber in a lot of subs.

    The active user base is also soo much smaller that a handful of posters can be seen in certain subs. I see the same people posting over and over at a much higher rate than I saw on Reddit.

    • Pinecone@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Yeah for a bunch of the subs on here I see the most common comments are the “circlejerky” responses despite being wrong or misleading but there’s no point correcting it cause the traffic is so low and it takes too much effort.

    • KevonLooney@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      So are you posting good content to help the issue? Or are you just posting “contrarian” opinions?

      I’ve never had a problem being banned and I argue with Tankies and Right Wing Chuds all the time (well I mostly just block the Chuds). It sounds like your comments are just bad enough to warrant a block.

      I have detailed comments about how both Hamas and the IDF are bad. Here’s one: “Hamas is a criminal organization that is terrible at government. It’s Israel’s fault for letting them grow to be so dangerous. The IDF and Hamas are both bad for the people of Palestine and Israel.”

      No ban!

      • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Have you tried on hexbear or .ml?

        I got banned for explaining the history of ethnic violence in China. Specifically when I brought up a quote about the dangers of Han chauvinism, which of course was called “reactionary”. The quote was from Mao.

        • KevonLooney@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          Yes, but… lol. They know very little about Marx, Stalin, Mao, or any of the differences between them. The USSR and the PRC only cooperated when they had to.

          It’s amazing how “Capitalist” countries can have international relations based on shared ideals and “Communist” countries have mostly transactional relationships. Reminds me of college where the “Daily Worker” was the only paper that cost money. 🤣

        • stoly@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Yep, got a ban on ML without even realizing what was going on and just for asking who people should vote for besides Biden if we weren’t voting for Biden. That was considered “reactionary” and “reddit” behavior. Was also cited Mao where he says that anyone who doesn’t fully understand all aspects of an issue has no right to ask questions–they literally believe that.

          • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            Was also cited Mao where he says that anyone who doesn’t fully understand all aspects of an issue has no right to ask questions–they literally believe that.

            Yeah… Sounds about right. That sub likes to latch onto some pretty fundamental misunderstandings of Mao’s writings.

            The real quote is “NO INVESTIGATION, NO RIGHT TO SPEAK”. Which basically boils down to - you should probably do some research before arguing with people.

            Which on it’s face value is pretty generic, but decent advise. What it doesn’t mean is that you can’t question someone else’s viewpoint.

            I think the most ironic part of this is in that same essay Mao writes about the importance of self criticism, and argues that we shouldn’t inherently trust appeals to authority.

            "It is quite wrong to take a formalistic attitude and blindly carry out directives without discussing and examining them in the light of actual conditions simply because they come from a higher organ. "

            That sub likes to pretend they spend time reading theory, when in reality its just an echo chamber that amplifies the vapid view point of a couple different active users. Users whom like to pretend that every bad decision the CCP ever made were errors forced upon them by the West. Even when it’s something like the cultural revolution, which even the CCP itself has admitted was misguided.

            • stoly@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I am so thankful to read this comment. My experiences with them really left me feeling confused. It is good to understand that I was not alone in these experiences.

              • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
                4 months ago

                Imo they saw how effective shit posting on Reddit was for nursing extremist right wing views and decided to copy the formula. However, they didn’t understand that the motivation for fascist are fundamentally antithetical to what motivates most socialist.

                Fascist are fueled by divisive propaganda, dividing and conquering your foes. While socialism is fueled by collectivism, turning your enemy into your friends via mutual support.

          • Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            4 months ago

            I didn’t get banned but got a couple of my comments deleted from ML. I don’t even know what they were but I don’t usually go back and forth with people in a thread so the mod had to go through my history and just delete comments from various threads that I had made on their instance.

            • stoly@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              ML is one of those instances filled with people who sort site-wide comments by new and hit F5 every 10 seconds all day long. They are literally waiting to pounce.

              My mistake was trying to be closer to the devs, which would mean quicker updates. I had no idea that ML meant Marxism-Leninism.

              ETA: I don’t actually have a problem with communism and more or less accept the basic tenants. These people, however, are no different from Evangelicals or Sovereign Citizens.

      • Dead_or_Alive@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        In my experience your views aren’t really contrarian to that of the majority of Lemmy users and mods. Your pretty mainstream and vanilla here.

        Try taking a pro Israel stance or pro 2A stance and see how long it will be until you are banned even if you follow all sub rules.

        • KevonLooney@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          Why would I take a pro-death stance? If you are being dumb, people are going to tell you. Welcome to the real world. Free speech doesn’t mean people have to listen to you.