Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday that “millions will be killed” in his country’s war with Russia without additional funding from the United States.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asked Zelensky in an interview to respond to comments made by Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), who claimed Ukraine’s outcome in its war will not be changed even if it receives the President Biden’s $60 billion aid request. Zelensky said he wasn’t sure if Vance “understands what is going on here.”

“To understand it is to come to the front line to see what’s going on, to speak with the people, then to go to civilians to understand … what will [happen to] them without this support. And he will understand that millions … will be killed. It’s a fact,” Zelensky said.

    7 months ago

    Lol, just be quiet troll. It’s easy looking at your post history that you have an agenda that is aligned with the opposition of America.

    A degraded russian military is good for pretty much everyone.

    And by the way you talk you probably don’t give a shit about socialised healthcare. It’s just a stick you can use to hit people with.

      7 months ago

      Yes, I too can tell by what I write that I disagree with America on a lot. Good observation.

      Maybe since you don’t know anything about me you should just take me at my word that I hold the extremely common belief I am claiming to.

      The fact you talk about fixing America’s problems as a stick to hit people with shows that you hate america. You want us to be in forever wars and keep getting drained by billionaires

        7 months ago

        Not an American.

        You have some pretty dumb ideas about foreign policy.

        The fact that you used healthcare as an example is a conservative dogwhistle, and a rather ineffective one at that.

        Isolationism is something your country cannot go back to. That idea was rightly killed over a century ago, as if it was ever actually fully realised.

        I thought your country at least paid lip service to freedom and democracy worldwide, how is letting Russia invade and annex another country good for you?

        It’s not hard to tell that you aren’t someone who actually understands the topic, or is acting in good faith here.

          7 months ago

          Please, tell me more about how acknowledging the fact that Americans can’t afford healthcare is a conservative dog whistle. LMAO.

          There are options between full isolation, and the current state of America which is to jump at any chance we find to sell people missiles. Even better if those missiles are being aimed at brown people.

          America needs to stay out of other people’s affairs. The UN exists for a reason. If the UN (along with the country itself) formally requests military aid somewhere, then we should go. Otherwise there shouldn’t be a single base or soldier not on American soil.

            7 months ago

            Well, Ukraine formally asked for aid at the beginning of Russia’s “special military operation”. Soooooo…

            The US hasn’t sold a single thing to Ukraine, but has been donating their old stock.

            How is helping Ukraine not a good thing? Doesn’t that increase security by having another friendly nation on your side?

            Your arguments are rather weak. Seriously, how does allowing Russia have its way benefit anyone but Russia?

              7 months ago

              Old stock? We’ve spent $75 billion on Ukraine. Does hurting Russia actually help us $75 billion worth? Hardly. Sure, it’d be great if Ukraine won, but that money could rebuild the crumbling infrastructure, give us M4A, or a million other things that are actually impacting Americans.