Please start your comments with the following question answered at the top:

“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

    7 months ago

    If everyone refuses, we lose. Quite frankly it’s a stupid idea because if your little gambit fails, we’re actually fucked. This isn’t silly Bush or broken Nixon. They did not compel a coup upon our Capital. Now that base is even more riled and more ready. Yes, the soundbite is this and that is the “most important”. The Republican frontrunner called for a Coup. He refused to give up office peacefully. He is in countless court battles. The fucking world is screaming to not let Trump into office and now is when you want to be stubborn?

    Holy fuck, my dude.

    Biden winning doesn’t mean we stop pushing for positive change. It means we are essentially guaranteed the chance to push for four years. The “Dems/Biden doing nothing” isn’t just on them, it’s also on us for refusing to present a unified, cohesive front for fucking decades. So pull your head out of your ass and balance that risk. Fuck this up and pray some dude in sunglasses offers you a red and blue pill, cause shit likely to worsen significantly.

      7 months ago

      It means we are essentially guaranteed the chance to push for four years

      No its not. AIPAC will continue to silence progressives. establishment democrats will continue to put profit over people.

      it’s also on us for refusing to present a unified, cohesive front for fucking decades

      no its not. not when you have establisment dems doing that all themselves when progressives speak up

      cause shit likely to worsen significantly

      it will regardless. both parties are denying the seriousness and gravity of climate change. the dems barely pay lip service to it. they certainly aren’t doing anything meaningful about it. you think that dems are gonna stop trying to silence college protesters about palestine? you think biden will save the cop city protesters being charged with terrorism for occupying a forest? is biden going to put a stop to the other cop cities being built all over the country that are specifically creating urban warfare centers so they can be better at QUELLING PROTESTS?

      if this is such a serious time, maybe you should stop worrying about what one person is saying they will do with their vote and spend what y’all consider to be the end of days with the ones you love. we will still be here actually trying to effect change by sending a message that we will not tolerate it anymore and make sure it is detailed why.

        7 months ago

        Okay. Let’s make this simple:

        You’ve established that not voting is a hill you’re dying on. What else could others be doing to affect change? What active steps, events, or anything else are you doing that we can do which will increase the chance to make a difference?

          7 months ago

          if i woke up tomorrow and there was a permanent ceasefire, bidens approval rating would immediately recover. i wouldn’t vote still but i know a lot of people are taking a stand and saying no because of the ceasefire. 50% of dems that voted for biden think israel is committing genocide:

          calling on officials to call for a ceasefire or resign from their positions. use your time to educate yourself on the history of america as an apartheid state and tell others.

          organize a general strike. there may be talk of this already that i am not aware of.

          talk to your local unhoused folk. talk to your local disabled.

          give money to people on the street. you’re socioeconomically closer to them than to biden and other establishment politicians.

          tie yourself to a piece of industrial equipment and disrupt non-urgent commerce. this is obviously a risk to your life and freedom so i wouldn’t expect anyone to just be able to do this. also if you’re disabled that would be harder of course.

          i think about what happened with the land reform movement in china that happened long, but not too long ago. we cannot advocate for that tho but it was effective at shifting power from the ruling elite to the oppressed.