The French government issued a decree Tuesday banning the term “steak” on the label of vegetarian products, saying it was reserved for meat alone.

    6 months ago

    That’s not the discussion at hand.

    I tried very hard to have this discussion without getting into ethics, and I won’t have that discussion either, even if you try to force it on me, even if your personal set of ethics is all you care about in the world at the expense of everything else, including seeing other people’s point of view.

    This is about labelling, in particular non-confusing labelling. And how “plant steak” is just as confusing and misleading as “meat cauliflower”.

    Just as confusing and nonsensical as “plastic paper” or “liquid mug”. Are you cognitively capable of looking at those latter two terms without moralising? If yes, why not the the previous two?

      6 months ago

      I tried very hard to have this discussion without getting into ethics,

      It is for people who want to proclaim superior morality

      You go into it. Not me.

      Tell me what part of which animal “Steak” is and show me there are no variants and you win.

      It is not only steak, it is milk where the industry lobbied hard to prevent the use even though plant milk is older than the milk of other species.

      Are you cognitively capable of looking at those latter two terms without moralising? If yes, why not the the previous two?

      You are the one who brought up moral, maybe that is a you problem you should take care of without projecting.

        6 months ago

        You go into it. Not me.

        You did:

        it is for those who want to stop supporting the destruction of the planet and the murdering of billions of sentient beings for their pleasure.

        You don’t even notice it, do you. You’re the walking, talking, stereotype of a preachy vegan, leaving out no opportunity to signal how oh superior you are to everyone else because you stick to a certain set of behaviours you call ethical. Tough luck: I’m not going to treat you as a saint for that but just like any other human with dietary preference for any random reason, and that’s for your own good.

        It is not only steak, it is milk where the industry lobbied hard to prevent the use even though plant milk is older than the milk of other species.

        What. You mean the Indo-European Urpeople ground nuts into paste and diluted them with water? They definitely had millstones but that’s a lot of work for what reason exactly, you can eat nuts and drink water without preparing them while meanwhile, they were nomadic pastoralists. It’s where the lot of Europe and India have our lactose tolerance from. Indians even kept the whole religious status of cows thing.

        Might look differently in other parts of the world but generally speaking pastoralism is way older than agriculture and with it millstones, much less electricity to make the whole process worth doing for anyone but kings out to impress people.