• deweydecibel@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Oh you mean all of those people on the back bench that Biden beat once already?

    The people that, unlike Biden, have never beaten Trump in an election?

    The people who aren’t the incumbent president when history shows a very clear pattern of voters choosing to re-elect incumbents?

    • makeshiftreaper@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I mean come on, Biden didn’t win the democratic nomination. It was handed to him on super-Tuesday. Bloomberg was just vomiting money to get easy media attention and then just dropped out. Elizabeth Warren was polling well then suddenly backed out, and all the super-delegates (something that shouldn’t exist) had pledged their votes well before the actual convention. Then all that was left was Bernie who got smoked because there was no time to recover

      Sure you could argue that’s savvy political maneuvering which is what you want in a president but my point is that Biden didn’t successfully campaign as much as he let other people do it and then got their support. Something he can’t repeat as an incumbent

      Before anyone says anything, I’m voting for him, I’m just trying to avoid revisionist history