• I don’t think most of the nations involved and people responsible have actually properly apologized for the Holocaust. Hell, even nazi butchers that had connections like Léon “The Lion” Degrelle who was instrumental in Belgium falling to the nazis, was stripped of his Belgian citizenship but he just lived in exile in Spain until he died of natural causes in 1994.

    • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Why would they? Many of those countries involved didn’t have a problem with the holocaust - as evidenced by the enthusiasm with which baltics murdered Jews in their countries (often without any prompting from the nazi occupants).

      And after the war those fascists have been dragged back be whitewashed because of the fear USSR and the rising popularity of communism instilled in the powers that be

    • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      That is believable since the Nazi Holocaust were merely an imitation of the Indian Residential fake School Holocaust in the British diaspora from 1850s to 1998 and after 1998 in secret, except that the Nazi Holocaust targeted Caucasian adults as well. The war criminals from the fake school Holocaust could not only escape the consequence of their crimes against humanity, but they also get promoted in European immigrant communities for their war crimes. Also, Stephan Harper who is the Conservative Party leader of Canada, had only made apology now, and his apology hide the hypocrisy in the fake schools with the lie that the only crimes in the Indian Residential fake schools are cultural genocide to hide the child labor, child abuses, unethical human experimentations, savage indoctrination, misuse of Indigenous parent’s funding, inheritance thief of murdered children, mass rape, and mass murder. Even when the Western European diaspora should know that the Native American children were raised in the fake schools along with other evidences that were widely known in the Cold War period, they still continue to scapegoat First Nation people for the savage teachings from the fake schools and frame the reparation for fake school Holocaust as “free” money. They also claimed that basic human rights and citizenship are “special status”, that the fruit of your labor are “free” stuff to you, and that meritocracy are “special privilege” if you are one of the Indigenous groups of Native Americans, Inuits, or helf-Indigenous Metis.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    How strange that Jews would overwhelmingly vote for a ceasefire in the Middle East only to veto their own vote. I wonder how that works! Jewish infighting, maybe?

    That said, demonstrating the thoughtlessness of antisemitism is like shooting fish in a barrel. I think that some neofascists secretly know that it’s all bullshit, but they need an excuse to concentrate capitalism’s defects (taxation, debt, unemployment, &c.) on somebody and this is the best that they can come up with; it doesn’t matter how illogical the casus belli is as long as their small businesses survive.

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Is this person doing the “The worst injustice in the world is me not being allowed to hurl racial slurs!” thing, but for Jews? Like, if this guy seriously thinks this anti-semitic bullshit about Jews running the world, how is hurling racial slurs going to change that in any way?

    Also, I fucking hate how this pseudo-anime sort of style has gotten so popular with fascists. It’s gotten to the point where if I see a slick looking webcomic with this art style I’m pretty much always assuming they’re a fascist “hiding their power level” until proven otherwise.

    • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Tat has been around for a while, he’s been doing this faux anime style much longer than other rightoids. That said, sinfest has always been weird and bad.

      When it started, it had several out of the blue strips with racist stereotypes about African Americans. Later it had a bunch of Obama worship. Later still, tat had apparently felt bad about the aforementioned racism and veered into liberal feminism (it’s also when Nique - the woman in the op’s strip) got the current pixie cut.

      Later still, he suddenly veered into transphobia and conspiracy shit. And it seems has continued with that.

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Remembering an argument I had where I got downvoted to oblivion for saying that use of the singular “jew” was a pretty good tell that someone was a nazi, well participants of that argument please take into note this is the kind of shit that gave me that prospective.

    • AmarkuntheGatherer@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      I’ve seen the notion that singular Jew isn’t used by non-bigots before and I still don’t get it. I’m not from an english-spraking country, is this a usian thing? Are other similar ethnic names like Kurd or Serb also bad? I know Arab can’t be bad, everyone uses it.

      • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        It’s a combination of three things:

        1. Jew is a proper word which has valid, not-racist use

        2. Jewish people tend not to use it

        3. Fascists tend to use it a lot

        So if someone calls themselves a jew it’s not a guarantee that they’re a fascist but it’s a good 75% they are. I used this example in the argument but it would be like when you see someone online say “I’m a black” instead of “I’m a black person” you probably know that they’re full of shit.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    A perfect example of how reactionaries reacts to socioeconomic problems, they understand to some extent that there is a problem but completely misidentify it and draw a completely wrong conclusion.

    He seems to understand on some level that what Israel is doing is terrible and yet that the US is willingly helping them do it, but instead of trying to understand why the US would want to support Israel they conclude that it’s a Jewish ploy and Jews are secretly ruling the world.

    • TΛVΛR@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      I feel like whats desperately missing is a proper critique of capital.

      If you reject it (bc “commies / tankies / Nth iteration of red-scare”) you simply won’t be able to understand the world, period.

      Instead what you end up with invariably will be an “explanation” rooted in grave error, blaming an ethnic group, “globalists”,…

      Ofc by suppressing Marxist lessons the ruling ideology incentivizes this reaction (as does liberalism being rooted in metaphysics even)