Highlighting the recent report of users and admins being unable to delete images, and how Trust & Safety tooling is currently lacking.

  • hamid@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m certain that report would most likely not lead to an investigation. Again, you can only get fined if you refuse to cooperate, why wouldn’t the instance owner just cooperate? There is nothing at stake here, there is no money being made on this.

    You don’t really know what you are talking about, these aren’t Youtube copyright strikes. These are auditors and regulators who are disorganized, understaffed and underfunded, like every government agency in the world, who deal mostly with huge enterprises. All audits and regulations are a risk assessment and anyone who understands the actual risks can make a decision if they want to host or not. As someone who deals with auditors and regulators a lot, and understands risk and risk assessments, I would totally feel extremely comfortable hosting a Lemmy instance despite the software having some limitations.

    But you have a child’s understanding of the world and the law and are just a concern troll.

    • Maalus@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Yeah uh huh, I sure do suck mr random person on the internet. The only thing you are saying is “these people won’t audit lemmy because they don’t want to”. You think that in some magical way, lemmy will be immune. Guess what, it won’t. The fines aren’t simply because people aren’t cooperating (and the devs themselves said that they don’t care about GDPR outright). You don’t know how it works, all you do is wishful thinking and insulting others.