I love my deck because

  • it can play Steam games fairly well
  • it can play emulated game really well
  • but most importantly it’s a linux computer, I can browse the web, watch a movie, even be productive on it, and I sometimes don’t even need to plug in a mouse and keyboard or an external screen !

But I was wondering what kind of uses other people have with it, as a non gaming machine?

  • narc0tic_bird@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    That’s mostly it for me. Handheld gaming. I used it for a “retro” LAN party 3 times. I also watched a movie on it with some friends with a very scuffed setup consisting of the Steam Deck + dock + external display + old car radio with speakers, lol.

    Sure I used it as a desktop (with monitor, mouse and keyboard) browsing the web and stuff just to see how well it does, but I prefer my full-size PC for desktop use and a notebook for the couch to be honest.