Note: I might just be uneducated on the subject.

When I read about web3 with blockchains, smart contracts and dapps, all sounds very promising. But once you look for any real world applications it is just some obscure things that kind of only exist to support the decentralized system. I guess that makes sense, but are there any actual real world uses for that? Like day-to-day things that make a persons life easier, not harder?

    7 months ago

    The biggest issue with crypto as a currency is that there is no real way to revert transactions. That pretty much guarantees it will never be adopted as a currency. And forking the whole thing is not a solution.

    There are a ton of other issues as well but those are more solvable.

    So, no, with the current tech, I don’t think it’s happening and even if someone comes up with better tech it may be too tainted by scammers and finance bros.