• KnightontheSun@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

    All of us have some sort of sh!t to deal with. It’s good coping skills that are not as common. Nor do people put their issues into perspective easily. Will you remember that issue in five days/weeks/months/years? Process them more appropriately, but little issues can stack up and make for a bad day. A day you won’t likely remember in a month. Certainly no reason to be an ass to folks.

    I’d use my meager skills to handle, deflect, deal in some way or ultimately walk away from someone and their issues if need be.

    If it is somebody you care about, you’ll help them more easily. The challenge is with people you don’t have any attachment to. Depends on the day, but I like helping them too if I can. I have no trouble walking away if they are toxic, but most appreciate the kindness. It doesn’t even need to be anything involved. You could just say, “Hey, I like that jacket/hat/tattoo/whatever.”, to give them a bright spot in their day and move on.

    Rarely do I get the same treatment returned, but I won’t stop what I do. Everyone is seemingly so self-absorbed (and angry) these days, that I treat “being nice” like it’s a lost art.