• RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Checking around it seems there are complaints of not getting any breaks or only getting one 5-minute break or up to 12 minutes, seems all over the place and depending on the whims of the manager/location. Not allowed to sit, you have to stand. Clocking in late by a minute is a write up, 3x and you’re fired. Allegedly some locations discourage chatter among employees? Non-existent lunch breaks taken standing up. “Non-existent” because apparently calling something a break under Texas law means they business has to offer more to employees or something. Can’t seem to locate any managers’ complaints, so what I’m getting seems often typical for a lot of front line employees in a business like this.

    Seems to vary pretty wildly between locations. Some being more laid back, others being hyper-controlling. Overall it seems like an average retail place to work (with the caveat of shitty Texas labor rules) that treats base employees pretty crappy for the money they make. I wouldn’t want to work in one of those authoritarian businesses that treats you like they own everything about you while on the clock.