• axby@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    Thanks a lot! Usually I’m okay up until I reach near the end … spoiler-ish warning:

    spoilers for nearing the end of the game

    I was doing great up until psychic ships kept crashing. I’d arrange all my colonists in a circle around the ship, and usually they could kill the mechanoids pretty easily. But sometimes one or two of my colonists would die. I tried to keep going after that, but then another ship part crashed within what felt like a few days (maybe it was 7 days), then I lost a few more. I had barely recovered from the last one.

    I may have tried to start building the ship too soon. I think I had assault rifles for several colonists, and marine armour for a few.

    But anyway, for a psychic ship, are you supposed to attack it, run away, and kite them back to your well defended killbox-ish base? Maybe that was really my biggest mistake. I would have just left it way on the other side of the map, but the psychic drone was getting bad. And I think there was a fire or something too?

    (end spoilers)

    It’s also possible that I had tried to challenge myself and set the difficulty to the mid level, but forgot.

    Oh, also I often find myself running out of components, and just barely making it to component manufacturing before I run out. I always buy them all from traders, and try to conserve them. But even with component manufacturing, it feels like it takes forever to make one, even if I have like ~15 colonists, where a few are dedicated crafters. Maybe I just need to stay in this stage for longer, until I can get assault rifles for everyone?

    And I never really read much about strategies, I generally just like to figure it out myself, but I suck at trying new things.

    I guess the main thing is that I love the part where you try to survive against natural disasters and have enough food, but I’ve never gotten too into the combat. Plus it felt like it was always pretty easy up until I got to the kinds of enemies that you encounter regularly at the end of the game.

    • Starayo@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I also used to hit the component bottle neck until pretty recently. Unless you want to figure it ok out yourself:


      What you want to do is try to get the resource scanner and drop pods quickly, scan for components, and then drop pod in your miners with some supplies, maybe an animal to carry stuff, mine out the resource node and then travel back home with the goodies.

      I went from struggling to get components outside of traders to having full teams in power armour pretty much instantly. Now my problem is that I accumulate wealth too fast and end up fighting off huge raids.