• Varyk@sh.itjust.works
    4 months ago

    Yikes, what a flawed set of premises.

    " What if Canada did the same thing to the US? They did!"

    No, they didn’t. Canada tried to boost Canadian media presence on American streaming platforms.

    Making sure gooby gets an international viewing very different from transmitting information to an overtly hostile government known for cyber attacks on its international peers.

    “The platform isn’t a national security threat”.

    On what basis are they making that claim? It’s absolutely a fact according to that the app TikTok is based off of, Douyin, sends the private data of every user straight to bytedance, owned in powerful minority stake by the Chinese government and that tiktok did the same thing with US user data until they promised they stopped a couple years ago.

    As of January 2024 however, whoops, US citizen data(names, birthdates, location) is still being sent back to bytedance: https://www.wsj.com/tech/tiktok-pledged-to-protect-u-s-data-1-5-billion-later-its-still-struggling-cbccf203?mod=followamazon

    It’s not some baseless concern, it’s a national security consequence against data disclosures that were already carried out and have continued to this year despite assurances 2 years ago that data leaks to bytedance are not happening.

    “Instrument of soft power”

    Marvel movies becoming super popular internationally is an example of soft power. Gathering the personal information of users with a continuing precedent attacking US digital infrastructures and democratic institutions is not soft power, it is hostile statecraft.

    I am not a proponent of monolithic tech companies nor am I particularly aligned against international competition in tech supremacy, but this ban isn’t about theoretical cultural competition.

    This tiktok ban is about the recent gathering of personal information that can be used to assess and attack digital infrastructures and electoral behaviors by entities that are continually attacking digital infrastructures and electoral processes, entities focused on consolidating power not within some international free market of soft cultural influence but by gathering and consolidating power and using that power to forward state ambitions.

    • firefly@neon.nightbulb.net
      4 months ago

      @Varyk@sh.itjust.works @davel@lemmy.ml

      If we wanted national data and communication security we would shut off the transatlantic cables and physically separate the U.S. Internet from the rest of the world. All matters of diplomacy could be conducted in public courts at the coastlines instead of over telephone wires and emails. Problem solved. We could set up a nice star-spangled curtain and let all the globalists rot from the fallout.

      • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
        4 months ago

        “Afraid of your neighbor’s dog? Never leave your room, add a harness to your bed and strap in, wear plate armor at all times”.

        Not exactly practical.

        There are ways to improve security without immobilizing yourself.

        Blocking the widespread distribution and use of an app that sends personal and national data to a hostile government actively collecting and using that data to conduct digital and electoral attacks is not immobilizing, it’s a simple step with zero downside that safeguards hundreds of millions of people.

        • firefly@neon.nightbulb.net
          4 months ago


          Keeping thieves and robbers from entering your house is not, ‘immobilizing yourself.’

          The United States has over 3.5 million square miles of land area. Even if the border was completely sealed off with zero ingress or egress, and zero diplomatic or trade relations, with the resources on this land the country wouldn’t even miss a beat. There is enough oil in Texas to last for many centuries. Multiply that by the oil in the marcellus shale regions, the Pennsylvania shale regions, the Gulf, Alaska, the rockies, and there is enough oil to run the United states for several thousand years into the future. There are still megatons of gold and silver in the cascades, especially of California, and millions of acres of the world’s best cropland in the hearthland still sets fallow. There remains enough iron ore across America to cover the country with sky scrapers from coast to coast. The idea that America would be immobilized by taking care of itself instead of carousing around with the rest of the world is just silly.

          Canada is in a similar resource situation, except for the arable crop land. They could make do with more livestock, having many millions of acres of graze land that is just laying fallow. Canada could also seal off its borders and in a thousand years from now still be going strong.

          International relations is the cause of war, not the solution. The Internationalist aristocracy has access to all of our nations and instututions because of the stupid refusal of nations to secure themselves against economic and political invasion from without.

          • Varyk@sh.itjust.works
            4 months ago

            You’re arguing the international merits of “separate but equal” while ignoring how much the United States and other countries have benefited from open borders.

            You are wrong top to bottom here on every short-sighted jingoist allegation.

            • firefly@neon.nightbulb.net
              4 months ago

              I’m surprised you haven’t already trotted out the standard reactionary slurs like, ‘fascist’ or ‘Nazi’ or ‘snowflake’ or ‘racist’ or ‘colonizer’ or whatever you two party sewer system is spewing at the moment. Go ahead, get all the mindless reactionary twaddle speak out of the way …

              Learn how to discuss a complex issue without trying to attack the character of others. Otherwise you will grow old in your ignorance and arrogant smugness.