• OpenStars@startrek.website
    7 months ago

    Except consequences - and facts - do not seem to ever stick to him. He’s already been impeached, twice, after causing more “excess deaths” than all wars combined (except the Civil War - or maybe we passed that marker too? tbf not all of that is on him, though surely a lot of it is, e.g. lying about the virus being airborne). And now there’s a not insignificant chance that he will be re-elected again.

      • OpenStars@startrek.website
        7 months ago

        He also deregulated the FCC, the SEC, and trains. I dunno, I seem to recall hearing some stuff about train derailments that seem to me to be directly traceable back to those decisions…

        Also, while he is not directly responsible for Russia invading Ukraine, he likewise directed our response - e.g. “you have to do me a favor though” (which iirc is literally treasonous).

        Also, well there’s a lot of also’s.:-( Unfortunately, we may get to start working on a whole second listing:-(.

      • dariusj18@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        When Trump/pandemic is brought up I say, “It could have happened to any President, but it was definitely going to happen to Trump.”

        • Hux@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          The last two dem>gop Presidential transitions followed a similar template.

          When Clinton handed off to Bush, he warned of Osama Bin Laden as priority #1–the Bush whitehouse welcomed the idea as a pretense to invade Iraq, so nothing was done and the attacks happened.

          When Obama handed off to Trump, he warned of pandemic threat and the response team which was put together to mitigate a pandemic’s spread before reaching US shores—the Trump Whitehouse did less than nothing, they actually shut down the response team and welcomed the pandemic to come (likely at Putin’s direction, I can’t imagine Trump being so selectively focused on budgeting, unless directed by his boss).

          • dariusj18@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            Yeah, Obama got lucky and learned a big lesson from it, tried to pass on that lesson to his successor and it fell on deaf ears. I mean really, it’s not a surprise, the contempt shown was beyond political, it was pathological.

      • jkrtn@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        Fuck me, I completely forgot that. He fucked up directly with coronavirus so hard, it had completely slipped my mind that he dismantled the pandemic response for no reason other than to spite Obama. He is a fractal fuckup. You can zoom in at any scale and see the same fuckups, narcissism, and corruption.

    • ringwraithfish@startrek.website
      7 months ago

      The problem I see that doesn’t get mentioned enough is he has literally built a cult around himself. This makes it extra difficult to make him face consequences because he can easily turn himself into a martyr in his cult’s eyes, which exacerbates the problem even more.

      I think the cases brought against him already took so long because they knew they had to be air tight. Any legal wiggle room gives him more ammo to say “See, witch-hunt!”

      IMO, the best thing that could happen for America is for him to die of natural consequences. It would deflate his cult as they tried to reconcile him being the god-delivered savior of the US and him just dying suddenly of natural causes. There would likely be conspiracies, as there always are, but it may be enough to snap some of the less radicalized out of this fucking trance he has them in.

      We’ve also seen that his lackeys cannot play his game as well as he can. The hammer would fall easily on those left in his wake.

      • OpenStars@startrek.website
        7 months ago

        I dunno, at this point - as always - the person most singly damaging to Trump’s brand is the man himself. His people don’t worship him so much as the ideals that he represents. They KNOW who he is, they simply do not care. And if he died, they would just move on to the next one - we thought DeSantis but similarly to Trump himself, his own shortcomings got in the way, and unlucky for him Trump did not step back + he (DeSantis) simply could not force the issue on his own.

        And unfortunately, there is a lot of truth to the idea that the Democrats suck ass. If the question is “what is 1+1=?”, the Dems answer is a million, whereas the old-school (e.g. Tea Party) Repubs answer was negative Pluto, while the Alt Right would fuck your mom and kill your dog (or maybe get them confused and vice versa). i.e. there are a lot of ways to be wrong, but they are not equally so.

        His conservative base is not nearly so “Pro-Trump” as they are “anti-libtards”. Which should worry us all, b/c McCartyism has touched this nation before, and those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. Anyway, yeah they would move on, and yeah those others would not be supported quite as strongly, but I don’t think this would actually matter, in terms of people showing up to vote to swing an election? If anything, it could even help Repubs chances, for those middle-of-the-road voters who definitely do not want to vote for Biden yet did not want to vote for Trump, and would consider voting for a different Republican.